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Title:  Of domesticall duties eight treatises. I. An exposition of that part of Scripture out of which domesticall duties are raised. ... VIII. Duties of masters. By William Gouge.
Author: Gouge, William, 1578-1653.
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masters must principally respect the good of their seruants: and for that end put them ouer to fit masters, such masters as may doe them good and not euill, all the time of their abode with them, and seruice vnder them.Contrary hereunto doe they, who aime meerely at their owne aduantage, not caring to whom they put ouer their seruants, so they may make gaine thereby. Some will sell them, namely, when they haue them beyond sea, to Turks and Infidels; some to Pa∣pists, and other Idolaters; some to profane persons; some to cruell inhumane beasts; some to men of vnlawfull trades; some to men of no trades. Such masters as make their seruants ouer to such as these are, or like to these, shall answer for all the wrong is done to them.§. 20. Of masters well managing their authoritie.This Apostle in Coloss. 4. 1. . another place giueth this charge to masters, Giue vnto your seruants that which is iust and equall.By doing these two things masters shall well manage their authoritie.Iustice respecteth the place, and seruice of seruants. Difference be∣twixt iust and equall dealing.Equitie respecteth their minde, and manner of doing seruice.All seruants, in that they are seruants, and doe their masters worke, must haue that which of right belongeth to seruants. This is Iustice.Such seruants as beare an especiall loue and liking to their masters, doing seruice not by constraint, or with eye-seruice, as men-pleasers, but in singlenesse of heart with good will, and all good faithfulnesse, seeking to the vttermost of their power, their masters good, must be accordingly respected and dealt withall. This is Equitie. As the Apostle compriseth Iustice vnder this phrase (doe the same things) for seruice giue due recompence: so more especially he compriseth Equitie vnder it: for seruants good will and more then vsuall respect of their masters, let masters returne good will, and more then ordinarie respect to seruants. S. Peter noteth these two vertues vnder two other words, good,1 Pet. 2. 18.gentle: A masters goodnesse hath relation to Iustice: his gentle∣nesse to Equitie.0