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Title:  Of domesticall duties eight treatises. I. An exposition of that part of Scripture out of which domesticall duties are raised. ... VIII. Duties of masters. By William Gouge.
Author: Gouge, William, 1578-1653.
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also hands, fingers, feet, toes, and all. Christ their head be∣ing their Sauiour, who can doubt of their saluation?2. None but those that are incorporated into Christ shall be saued. For this priuiledge is appropriated to the bodie.The former point is clearely set forth by a resemblance, which the Apostle maketh betwixt Adam and Christ, thus: As by the offence of one, iudgement came on all men to condemna∣tion,Rom. 5. 18.euen so by the righteousnesse of one, the free gift came on all men vnto iustification of life. Here are noted two roots, one is Adam, the other is Christ: both of them haue their number of branches, to all which they conuey that which is in them, as the root conueyeth the sap that is in it, into all the branches that sprout from it. The first root, which is Adam, conueyeth sinne and death to all that come from him: and the other root, which is Christ, conueyeth grace and life to euerie one that is giuen to him: for saith he, All that the Fa∣therIoh. 6. 37.giueth me, shall come to me: and him that commeth to me, I will in no wise cast out: and a little after, he rendreth this rea∣son, This is the Fathers will, that of all which he hath giuen meVers. 39.I should lose nothing, but should raise it vp againe at the last day.Obiect. Christ himselfe maketh exception of one, where he saith, none is lost but the sonne of perdition.Ioh. 17. 12.Answ. That phrase sonne of perdition, sheweth that Iudas was neuer of this body: for can we imagine that Christ is a Sauiour of a sonne of perdition?Obiect. Why is he then excepted?Answ. By reason of his office and calling he seemed to be of this body, and till he was made knowne, none could other∣wise iudge of him, in which respect Saint Peter saith, he wasAct. 1. 17.numbred with vs.2. Answ. Christ there speaketh in particular of the twelue Apostles, and to be an Apostle of Christ was in it selfe but an outward calling.This is a point of admirable comfort to such as haue assu∣rance Vse. of their incorporation into Christ, they may rest vpon the benefit of this office of Christ, that he is a Sauiour. We need not thinke of climing vp to heauen, and searching Gods records to see if our names be written in the booke of Life. 0