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Title:  Of domesticall duties eight treatises. I. An exposition of that part of Scripture out of which domesticall duties are raised. ... VIII. Duties of masters. By William Gouge.
Author: Gouge, William, 1578-1653.
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Popish wiues will say (say we what we can to the contrary) that Iesuites, Priests, and Friers, are of the houshold of faith, principall members thereof.3. Many iarres and contentions would thence arise betwixt 3. Iars would arise betwixt man and wife. husband and wife: for if a wife shall persist to doe that which her husband will not consent vnto, assuredly one of a thousand will not well brooke it, but will rather seeke all the wayes he can to crosse her; thinking himselfe despised, if she, whether he will or no, haue her minde.Obiect. Wiues must vse this libertie with all due respect vn∣to their husbands authoritie.Answ. If the husband peremptorily stand vpon his au∣thoritie, and by all the faire meanes that can be vsed, will not yeeld this libertie, I know not what better respect she can shew to this authoritie, then to forbeare and abstaine from doing that which otherwise she would most gladly doe: But if when it commeth to the vttermost point, and she shall say it is her right, and if she cannot haue his consent, she will doe it with∣out his consent, she therein sheweth no great respect.Many other inconueniences might be reckoned vp, but I will not longer insist on them, only from these let it be well con∣sidered, whether it were not better for a familie, that the hus∣band should be bard from disposing the goods without consent of his wife (so as there might be according to the prouerbe, but Though she had a proprie∣tie, yet hath she not there∣upon libertie to dispose the goods. one hand in the purse) then both husband and wife to haue libertie to dispose them without each others consent.§. 28. Of propertie in goods, whether it giue libertie to dispose them as a wife will.To iustifie a wiues libertie in disposing the common goods Licet vxor pro∣prietatem ha∣beat, admini∣strationem ta∣men, & vsum. fructū bonorum viuente marito non habet. Greg. Sayr. clau. reg. lib. 9. cap. 16. of the family without her husbands consent, it is said, that she hath a true right and propertie in those goods.1. Answ. Though it were granted that a wife hath a true property in the goods, yet this conclusion would not follow thereupon, that she hath power of her selfe to dispose the goods without her husbands consent: for the authoritie which God hath giuen an husband, and subiection which he hath laid on a wife, restraine her power and libertie in that 0