Of domesticall duties eight treatises. I. An exposition of that part of Scripture out of which domesticall duties are raised. ... VIII. Duties of masters. By William Gouge.
Gouge, William, 1578-1653.

§. 27. Of husbands and wiues helping forward the growth of grace in each other.

Hitherto of preuenting, and redressing hinderances of grace. Hereunto must be added an helping forward of the growth thereof: which man and wife must mutually endeuour to effect one in another. The care which Elkanah had to carry his * wiues along with himselfe vnto the Tabernacle of the Lord yeere by yeere, sheweth that his desire was to vphold them in the feare of God: yea the gifts and portions, which at that time he vsed to bestow on them, implie the care that he had to Page  243 encourage them to hold on in seruing the Lord. It was with∣out question the maine end which the Shunamite aimed at in * prouiding lodging for the Prophet, that both she and her hus∣band might be built vp in Grace.

This duty may be the better effected by these means following. *

1. By taking notice of the beginning, and least measure of Grace: and approuing the same.

2. By frequent conference about such things as concerne the same: mutually propounding questions one to another thereabouts, and answering the same.

3. By their mutuall practise and example: making them∣selues each to other a patterne of pietie.

4. By performing exercises of religion, as praying, singing psalmes, reading the word, and the like together.

5. By maintaining holy and religious exercises in the fami∣lie. * Though this dutie especially appertaine to the husband, yet the wife must put her husband in minde thereof, if he for∣get it; and stirre him vp, if he be backward: Thus did the good Shunamite, 2 King. 4. 9, 10. No mans perswasion in this kinde, can so much preuaile with a man as his wiues.

6. By stirring vp one another to goe to the house of God, * to heare the word, partake of the Sacrament, and consciona∣bly performe all the parts of Gods publike worship.

Great need there is, that husbands and wiues should ende∣uour to helpe forward the growth of grace in each other, be∣cause we are all so prone to fall away and wax cold, euen as * water if the fire goe out, and more fewell be not put vnder. * And of all other, husbands and wiues may be most helpfull herein, because they can soonest espie the beginning of decay by reason of their neere, and continuall familiaritie together.