Of domesticall duties eight treatises. I. An exposition of that part of Scripture out of which domesticall duties are raised. ... VIII. Duties of masters. By William Gouge.
Gouge, William, 1578-1653.

§. 45. Of parents cockering their children.

Contrary is their too much doting on children, who are oth to giue them a foule word. Dauid (though otherwise a very wise man) herein manifested much folly, for he displeased ot Adoniah at any time in saying, why hast thou done so? and like Page  552 enough it is, that also he so cockered his other rebellious sonne Absolom. Note the fearefull issue that followed there∣upon both to father and children. Though their father would not displease them, yet they cared not to displease their father, yea to grieue his heart, and vex his soule. The like may all foolish doting parents looke for at their childrens hands. For first parents by neglect of this dutie highly displease God: therefore in iust reuenge will God giue their children ouer to * displease and vex them. Secondly, neglect of reproofe is a meanes to make children rude, presumptuous, rebellious, and so carelesse to please their parents. Yea all things where in chil∣dren offend through want of education shall be required at their parents hands.