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Title:  Of domesticall duties eight treatises. I. An exposition of that part of Scripture out of which domesticall duties are raised. ... VIII. Duties of masters. By William Gouge.
Author: Gouge, William, 1578-1653.
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4. Quest. Are we then vnited only to his humane nature?Answ. No: we are vnited to his person, God-Man. For as We are vnited to Christs person. the diuine nature, in and by it selfe, is incommunicable; so the humane nature singly considered, in and by it selfe, is vn∣profitable. The Deitie is the fountaine of all life and grace: the flesh quickneth not: but that spirituall life which origi∣nally and primarily floweth from the Deitie, as from a foun∣taine, is by the humanitie of Christ, as by a conduit-pipe, con∣ueyed into vs.5. Quest. How can we who are on earth, be vnited to his How Saints on earth are vnited to Christ in hea∣uen. humane nature, which is contained in the highest heauen?Answ. This vnion being supernaturall and spirituall, there needeth no locall presence for the making of it. That eternall Spirit which is in Christ is conueyed into euerie of the Saints (as the soule of a man is into euerie member and part of his bo∣die) by vertue whereof they are all made one with Christ, and with one another: by one Spirit we are all baptized into one bodie,1 Cor. 12. 12, 13. which bodie is Christ.This is to be noted against these two errours. The first is I. Error. this, We are vnited first to the diuine nature of Christ which is euerie where, and by vertue thereof to his humane nature.Answ. 1. The Deitie (as we shewed) is immediately in∣communicable: so as this cannot be.2. Our vnion with Christ is spirituall, not physicall or na∣turall, so as this locall presence needeth not.The second errour is this,The humane nature of Christ hath all the diuine properties in it,II. Error. so as it is euerie where present, and by reason thereof we are vnited vnto Christ.Answ. This also is impossible and needlesse. The proper∣ties of a true bodie cannot possibly admit the incommunica∣ble properties of the Deitie: that implieth direct contradicti∣on, which is, that finite should be infinite. Needlesse also this is, because the vnion we speake of, is (as we said) spirituall.6. Quest. What kinde of vnion is this spirituall vnion? Our vnion with Christ a true and reall vnion.Answ. A true, reall vnion of our persons (bodies and soules) with the person of Christ (God and man.) For as the holy Ghost did vnite in the virgins wombe the diuine and humane 0