The enimie of idlenesse teaching the maner and stile how to endite, compose and write all sorts of epistles and letters: as well by answer, as otherwise. Deuided into foure bokes, no lesse plesaunt than profitable. Set forth in English by William Fulwood marchant, &c. The contentes hereof appere in the table at the latter ende of the booke.
Fulwood, William.

The example: wherin one friende vvriteth to an other of cer∣tain small newes.

ALthough it bée long since I wrote vnto you (right dere & perfect frend) yet is is it not for ye I had forgotten you, but bycause I had not any matter to write vnto you: & therfore hauing now found a trustie Messanger, I haue thou∣ght good to write vnto you these Let∣ters, whereby you might vnderstand, ye god be praised (who disposeth al things) we are here in good helth, beseching him yt it be so wt you, & all our frends there. Page  [unnumbered] I haue bethought me & considered with my selfe, whereof I might write vnto you, and haue founde none other thing, saue onely to certifie you that by the cō∣maundement of the King and the ordi∣nance of the Court, this day was made a great generall Iustice, which was a wonderfull excellent thing to beholde, considering the order that there was kept: you haue heretofore séene but I thincke not so passingly well hand∣led nor better ordred, for surely the cha∣lengers especially with so valiant co∣rage and strength enforced themselues in the Iustice, that wonder it was to sée: and on the contrary side appeared also such manly hearts and boldned sto∣macks, that great commendations ob∣tayned both partes of all the assistants: but yet in fine (after many sturdie stro∣kes on both sides) the chalengers woon the price. &c. Thirdly, if I had knowen any other newes, I would haue writ∣ten them vnto you, praying you that you will still beare me good wil and of∣ten times write vnto me: Recommen∣ding Page  75 me especially to you, and to such a one, and to all our other frendes therea∣boutes. Beseching our Lord to send you comfort and health &c.