The enimie of idlenesse teaching the maner and stile how to endite, compose and write all sorts of epistles and letters: as well by answer, as otherwise. Deuided into foure bokes, no lesse plesaunt than profitable. Set forth in English by William Fulwood marchant, &c. The contentes hereof appere in the table at the latter ende of the booke.
Fulwood, William.

How to write of some small affaires, businesse or newes.

HAuing a matter of great im∣portaunce to write, yet many Page  74 times we ar desirous to write of som smal businesse or newes of li∣tle importāce, & so doing ye letters must cōtain .iij. parts. First to de∣clare the cause that moueth vs, as in the stile before. Secondly, to salute him gētly, telling some pre∣tie & mery newes. Thirdly, to of∣fer him our seruice, with hartie cō¦mendations vnto him, & others.