Prouerbes or adagies with newe addicions gathered out of the Chiliades of Erasmus by Richard Tauerner. Hereunto be also added Mimi Publiani.
Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536., Taverner, Richard, 1505?-1575., Publilius, Syrus, 1st cent. B.C. Mimi. English and Latin. aut
Iniquum petendum, vt ęquū feras.

Aske that is vnreasonable yt thou mayst beare awaye that is reaso∣nable. If thou wylte begge an ooke of thy frende, aske twenty or an hundreth ookes. This craft our merchaūt men and other that sel what so euer ware it be, knowe wel ynough. For yf thou cheapest anye thynge of them, forthwith they woll not be ashamed to aske double or treble the price of it. If they do it (sayth Erasmus) by∣cause ye cheaper shulde be ye more willyng to gyue the reasonable & due price,* it maye perchaunce be suffred, but yf they do ye thing of a ☞mynd to circumuent and deceyue the ignoraūt and simple persons Page  xxxiiij and to make thē beleue the thyng is of moch more value thē indede it is, surely the crafte is deuelysh, intollerable, and farre vnmete for christen persons