Collectanea chymica a collection of ten several treatises in chymistry, concerning the liquor alkahest, the mercury of philosophers, and other curiosities worthy the perusal
Philalethes, Eirenaeus. Secret of the immortal liquor called Alkahest. Latin and English., Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644. Praecipiolum., Anthony, Francis, 1550-1623. Aurum-potabile., Bernard, of Trevisan. De lapide philosophorum. English., Ripley, George, d. 1490? Bosome-book., Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294. Speculum alchemiae. English., Starkey, George, 1627-1665. Admirable efficacy and almost incredible virtue of true oyl., Plat, Hugh, Sir, 1552-1611? Sundry new and artificial remedies against famine., H. V. D. Tomb of Semiramis hermetically sealed.
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Our Ardent Water or Water Attractive is thus made.

When all the first Element is distilled then in another Still fit for it, rectify it, tha is to say, distil it over 7 several times, and until it will burn a Linnen Cloth clean up that is dipt in it, when it is put to th flame, which then is called our Ardent Wa∣ter rectified, and is also called our Water At∣tractive, which keep very close stpped, for otherwise the Spirit thereof which is very sub∣til will vanish away.

By often rectifying the Ardent Water, there will come Aer in a white Oyl swimming a∣bove the Water, and there will remain be∣hind a yellow Oyl which with a stronger Fire will also come over. Put Sublimate bea∣ten small upon a Plate of Iron, and in the cold it will dissolve into Water, and filter it then, and put upon it some of the Ardent Water, and it will draw to it self all the Mer∣cury in form of a green Oyl swimming aloft, which separate and put into a Retort, and distil first a Water, and afterward will come a green thick Oyl which is the Oyl of Mer∣cury.