Honor rediviuus [sic] or An analysis of honor and armory. by Matt: Carter Esq.
Carter, Matthew, fl. 1660., Gaywood, Richard, fl. 1650-1680, engraver.

Of the Order of the Lilly.

THis Order was erected in 〈◊〉 by Garcia the sixth, of the name surnamed Naiera, in honor of the Virgin Mary; and upon a miracle so great as might make this Lilly one of the primest flowers in her little garden. * The substance of it this: The King having been ve∣ry sick; in the extremity of his disease sent to St. Saviour de Leyra, and other places of devotion, that prayers and interercessions might be made for his recovery; In which time was discovered in the City of Naiera, (where or∣dinarily he kept Court) the Image of the Virgin Mary issuing out of a Lilly, holding her Son berwixt her arms. And suddenly af∣ter the discovery of this, the King recovered his health; and many other miracles were done on diseased people in that place, as sup∣posed by vertue of the Virgin Mother; whom * they tearmed the Lilly of the Vallyes. In ho∣nor whereof the said King erected this Order, and made himself Soveraign of it, and his Sucessors after him. These Knights did wear Page  197 on their breasts a Lilly embroydered in silver; and on festivall dayes a double chain of gold in∣terlaced with letters M, after the manner of the Gotish letter; with an Oval meddal hanging at it with a Lilly enamelled.