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Title:  Three sermons concerning the sacred Trinity by John Wallis.
Author: Wallis, John, 1616-1703.
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who laid the foundations of the Earth, and the Heavens are the work of his hands; who, when the Heavens and the Earth shall fail, his years endure for ever; who searcheth the heart and the reins, to give to every one according to his works; who is Jehovah; the Lord God of Israel; the Su∣preme being; which is over all, God blessed for ever; who is the Blessed and only Potentate, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who only hath immortality, to whom be Ho∣nour and Power Everlasting, Amen. That God (I say) of whom all these great things are said, is (certainly) not a mere Titular God, (who is called God but is not,) a Creature God, or only a dignified Man. For, if these be not Characters of the True God, by what Cha∣racters shall the True God be described? I know, the Socinians have imployed their Wits to find out some tricks to evade or elude some of these plain places, which I shall not trouble my self, or you to re∣peat; or to give an answer to them. For they are so weak, and so forced, that the plain words of Scripture, read together with the forced senses they would put upon them, are answer enough; nor do they need or deserve any further answer. OBJECTION VIII. The last Objection which I shall now take notice of, is this; That the Doctrine of the Trinity was not known to the Jewish Church before Christ. To which I answer, 1. If it were not made known to them, it was not necessary for them to know. For mat∣ters of pure Revelation, are not necessary to be known, before they are revealed, (nor farther than they are re∣vealed:) But may be so to us, to whom they are Re∣vealed. The whole Doctrine of our Redemption by Christ, was (doubtless) unknown to Adam before his Fall; 0