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Title:  A defense of infant-baptism in answer to a letter (here recited) from an anti-pædo-Baptist / by John Wallis ...
Author: Wallis, John, 1616-1703.
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bestow upon you, above many other Pious and Learned Men, that have formerly Treated of the Sabbath, and disputed against the Jewish Sab∣bath, with so much Weakness, that the Sabbata∣rians have been greatly thereby incouraged in their Errour. And coming in pag. 91. to these words of yours, You would have had—so much modesty, as to think, the mistake may possibly be on your side, rather than on the whole Body of Christians (some very few excepted) who religiously observed the Lord's Day; I did reflect on my self, who am perswaded, that Believers Infants are not to be Baptized in their Infancy, contrary to the Opinion of so many Learn∣ed Paedo-Baptists in Christendom, yea the Gene∣rality of Christians; and it made me to think, the Mistake might possibly be on my side, rather than on the Body of Christians (some few excepted) who Conscientiously maintain Infant-Baptism. And supposing you, Worthy SIR, by your Commu∣nion, to maintain Paedo-Baptism, I took courage and boldness, to write unto your self, for to know your Grounds from Scripture, on which you satisfy your Conscience in that Point.The main Reason, which satisfies me against Paedo-Baptism, is, because I can find no where in Scripture, either in express Terms, or by any na∣tural or necessary Consequence, that it is the Will of God, that Believers Infants are to be Baptized in their Infancy: I cannot find any Precept to Bap∣tize them, nor so much that ever Iohn the Baptist, or Christ, or his Disciples (that appears) did Baptize any of them.0