Certaine serious thoughts which at severall times & upon sundry occasions have stollen themselves into verse and now into the publike view from the author [Wyvill coat of arms] Esquire ; together w[i]th a chronologicall table denoeting [sic] the names of such princes as ruled the neighbor states and were con-temporary to our English kings, observeing throughout ye number of yeares w[hi]ch every one of them reigned.
Wyvill, Christopher, 1651?-1711., Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650., Wyvill, Christopher, 1651?-1711. Chronologicall catalogue of such persons as ruled the neighbour-states, and were contemporary to the severall kings of England, since the coming in of the Conqueror.

Vpon PSALM 90. 10.

First written upon a bare leafe in QUARLES His Poems, over-against his verses on Mors tua.

GReat God! this death-beleaguerd Fort cal'd Man
Though strongly back't by nature, seldom can
Page  5 Out-last the seventeeth yeare; though thou afford
To my sin-stained life that number, LORD
The third part of them have already slip't
Me too regard less; Satan still hath nipt
Thy blooming crop, my weak resolves have bin
Swift to dissolve into accustomd sin,
O let th'uncertain remnant of my dayes
Be dedicated to my Makers praise;
O that this lump of dust knod-up in bloud,
Would once leave trifles, and pursue what's good.
Feare then I would not; though a voice should say,
Thy glass is run, and thou must dye to day,
For so from sin, and sorrow should I rest;
And rise, not unto judgment, but a feast;
That marriage-Supper, which, we read, of old
Was by the Bridegroom, to the Iewes foretold:
That marriage Supper, where to heavens King
Blest soules eternall Alleluja's sing.