Certaine serious thoughts which at severall times & upon sundry occasions have stollen themselves into verse and now into the publike view from the author [Wyvill coat of arms] Esquire ; together w[i]th a chronologicall table denoeting [sic] the names of such princes as ruled the neighbor states and were con-temporary to our English kings, observeing throughout ye number of yeares w[hi]ch every one of them reigned.
Wyvill, Christopher, 1651?-1711., Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650., Wyvill, Christopher, 1651?-1711. Chronologicall catalogue of such persons as ruled the neighbour-states, and were contemporary to the severall kings of England, since the coming in of the Conqueror.

Claudiani carmen.

Dum procerum mentes privata ad commoda torsae
In commune vetant socias extendere dextr'as
Buchanani carmen.