Certaine serious thoughts which at severall times & upon sundry occasions have stollen themselves into verse and now into the publike view from the author [Wyvill coat of arms] Esquire ; together w[i]th a chronologicall table denoeting [sic] the names of such princes as ruled the neighbor states and were con-temporary to our English kings, observeing throughout ye number of yeares w[hi]ch every one of them reigned.
Wyvill, Christopher, 1651?-1711., Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650., Wyvill, Christopher, 1651?-1711. Chronologicall catalogue of such persons as ruled the neighbour-states, and were contemporary to the severall kings of England, since the coming in of the Conqueror.

Going to Bed.

THus, on a pale sheete, I extended, shall
Become ere long a livelesse coarse, and all
These too-much prized trifles, which retard
My soule in her best flights, without regard
Page  33 Or rellish, must be left: then, in my grave
Where all things are forgotten, I shall have
A coole and lonely lodging, by the earth
Lock't-up from all this worlds mis-called mirth.
If thou, O blest Creator, shalt restore
The peace, ease, plenty we injoy'd before,
Let not those over-valued blessings move
Our earth-bred thoughts to sleight the things above▪
Her's no abiding City: but thy grace
May make the house of death a resting place.
Thou sacred Arbitrer of life and death,
Who summon'st, at thy pleasure, vitall-breath,
When in thy house, my elevated soule
Should mount to thee, yet lingring-here, doth foule
Her self with terrene fancies make mine eye
Recall my thoughts, and preach mortality.
There lyes those dear remembrancers, I have
Two parents, and two children in one grave;
In twice-two yeares, thy wisdome saw it best
To call these two sweet couples to their rest;
Page  34 And since so neer, on both sides, I have seen
Thine arrowes to me, teach me how to weane
From this distemper'd globe, my mis-plac'd love
And fix it firmly on the things above.
Then if't shall please thee next to call on mee,
I'le boldly leave this clay, and come to thee.