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Title:  The manifold vvisedome of God In the divers dispensation of grace by Iesus Christ, In the Old New Testament. In the covenant of faith. workes. Their agreement and difference. By G. Walker, B.D. pastor of Saint Iohn the Evangelist in Watlingstreet.
Author: Walker, George, 1581?-1651.
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the bright Sunne when it shineth in full strength; and therefore being not able to looke upon the glory of God shining in the Covenant, they could in no case see into the end and use of it, and so their owne weake∣nesse and blindnesse was a vaile unto them, and is this day to all the Iewes, till their hearts be converted to the Lord, vers. 16. and till he powres out his Spirit on them. Secondly, the words of the Covenant were spoken, and the Seales and Ceremonies or∣dained after such an obscure manner, that a vaile of darknesse did hang over them, till Christ by his actuall fulfilling of them, and by the words of the New Covenant in the Gospel, did make all plaine, and pull away the vaile of darknesse. This obscurity of the Covenant proceeded from three speciall causes; the first was Gods hi∣ding and concealing of his purpose in the giving of the Law. For his purpose in giving the Morall Law, was not that Israel should doe it and be justified thereby, which after mans fall and corruption is impossible; 0