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Title:  The manifold vvisedome of God In the divers dispensation of grace by Iesus Christ, In the Old New Testament. In the covenant of faith. workes. Their agreement and difference. By G. Walker, B.D. pastor of Saint Iohn the Evangelist in Watlingstreet.
Author: Walker, George, 1581?-1651.
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read; and many could read, and could not understand; and many could un∣derstand literally, after a naturall and carnall manner according to the pro∣per literall sense, but they could not understand the words spiritually ac∣cording to the spirituall sense, they could not see nor discerne the true scope, end, and use of the Words. But Christ did preach the Covenant of the Gospell, by a lively voyce, in words easie to be understood, which did not onely sound in the eares, but also pierce into the hearts and spirits of the hearers, and did shew not onely the matter, but also the manner, end, and use of every thing, and how the Law and Commandements doe not onely binde the outward man, and require the outward act; but also do binde the inward man, even the soule and spirit, and doe require all holy thoughts, motions & dispositions of the heart and soul: and thus the words of the New Covenant are fit Instru∣ments of the Spirit, and the Spirit doth worke powerfully by them.Another difference laid downe byDiffer. 5.0