The queen-like closet; or, Rich cabinet stored with all manner of rare receipts for preserving, candying & cookery. Very pleasant and beneficial to all ingenious persons of the female sex. By Hannah Wolley.
Woolley, Hannah, fl. 1670., Woolley, Hannah, fl. 1670. Second part of the queen-like closet.

XXI. The Plague Water.

Take Rosemary, Red Balm, Burrage, Angelica, Carduus, Celandine, Dragon, Featherfew, Wormwood, Peniroyal, Ele∣campane roots, Mugwort, Bural, Tormen∣til, Egrimony, Sage, Sorrel, of each of these one handful weighed, weight for weight; put all these in an earthen Pot, with four quarts of white Wine, cover them close, and let them stand eight or nine days in a cool Cellar, then distil it in a Glass Still.