Severall remarkable passages concerning the Hollanders since the death of Queene Elizabeth, untill the 25th of December, 1673 Some animadversions thereupon, in answere to a scandulous pamphlett called Englands appeale to the Parliament, from the private caball at white hall. With the continuation of the case between Sr. VVilliam Courten his heires and assignes and the East-India Company of the Netherlands, faithfully recollected by E.W. armig: and rendred into English, French, and Dutch, for satisfaction of his particular friends, in England, France, and the low countriers.

Severall remarkable passages concerning the Hollanders since the death of Queene Elizabeth, untill the 25th of December, 1673 Some animadversions thereupon, in answere to a scandulous pamphlett called Englands appeale to the Parliament, from the private caball at white hall. With the continuation of the case between Sr. VVilliam Courten his heires and assignes and the East-India Company of the Netherlands, faithfully recollected by E.W. armig: and rendred into English, French, and Dutch, for satisfaction of his particular friends, in England, France, and the low countriers.
E. W.
[London or Middelburgh? :: s.n.],
Printed in the yeare 1673.

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Subject terms
Courten, William, 1642-1702 -- Early works to 1800.
Coventry, William, -- Sir, 1628?-1686. -- Englands appeale -- Early works to 1800.
Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie -- Early works to 1800.
Netherlands -- History -- Early works to 1800.
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"Severall remarkable passages concerning the Hollanders since the death of Queene Elizabeth, untill the 25th of December, 1673 Some animadversions thereupon, in answere to a scandulous pamphlett called Englands appeale to the Parliament, from the private caball at white hall. With the continuation of the case between Sr. VVilliam Courten his heires and assignes and the East-India Company of the Netherlands, faithfully recollected by E.W. armig: and rendred into English, French, and Dutch, for satisfaction of his particular friends, in England, France, and the low countriers." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.


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