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Title:  The court and character of King James whereunto is now added The court of King Charles : continued unto the beginning of these unhappy times : with some observations upon him instead of a character / collected and perfected by Sir A.W.
Author: Weldon, Anthony, Sir, d. 1649?
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(not suffering him to have that nights respite (after his sentence, and offence (what ere it was) to re∣pent him of his sins) with this vow, he would neither eate nor drinke untill he see him dye; God, in requitall of his mercilesse cruelty, would nei∣ther suffer him to eate nor drinke before he dyed, by that dismall stroake of a poore tenpenny knife, of the said Feltons setting home: Thus neare alike in time and man∣ner were these two hellish Agents Catastrophees. And now is set that great Sun (or rather portendous Comet) from whose influences all the Officers and Ministers had by reflexion their life and heat.After his death, the very name of a Favourite dyed with him, none singly engrossing the Kings eare and favour; but, a regular motion was set to all Officers, as appertained to their severall places; as, to the Arch-Bishop, the mannagement and chiefe super-intendency of the 0