A body of practical divinity consisting of above one hundred seventy six sermons on the lesser catechism composed by the reverend assembly of divines at Westminster : with a supplement of some sermons on several texts of Scripture
Watson, Thomas, d. 1686.

Concerning SIN.

Quest. X. What is Sin?

Answ. Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of the Law of God.

1 John 3.4. Sin is a Transgression of the Law. Of Sin in general.

1. Sin is 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, a Violation or Transgression. The Latin word transgredior, to transgress, signifies to go beyond ones Bounds. The Moral Law is to keep us with∣in the bounds of our Duty; Sin is a going beyond our bounds.

2. The Law of God; it is not the Law of an Inferiour Prince is broken, but of Iehovah, who gives Laws as well to Angels as Men; it is a Law that is just, and holy, and good, Rom. 7.12. It is just, there is nothing in it unequal; holy, nothing in it impure; good, nothing in it prejudicial. So that there is no reason to break this Law, no more than for a Beast that is in a fat Pasture to break over the Hedge to leap into a barren Heath or Quagmire.

I shall shew what an heinous and execrable thing Sin is. It is malorum colluvies, the complication of all Evil; it is the Spirits of Mischief distil'd: The Scripture calls it 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 the accursed thing, Josh. 7.13. it is compared to the venome of Serpents, the stench of Sepulchres. The Apostle useth this expression of sin, out of measure sinful, Rom. 7.13. or as in the Greek, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, hyperbolically sinful. The Devil would paint over sin with the Vermilion colour of Pleasure and Profit, that he may make it look fair. But I shall pull off the Paint from Sin, that you may see the ugly face of it. We are apt to have slight thoughts of Sin, and to say of it as Lot of Zoar, Gen. 19.20. Is it not a little one? But that you may see how great an Evil Sin is, consider these four things.

I. The Original of Sin, whence it comes: It fetcheth its Pedigree from Hell; Sin is of the Devil, 1 Iohn 3.8. He that committeth sin is of the Devil. Satan was the first Actor of sin, and the first Tempter to sin. Sin is the Devils First-born.

II. Sin is evil in the Nature of it.

1. It is a defiling thing. Sin is not only a Defection, but a Pollution. It is to the Soul as Rust is to Gold, as a Stain is to Beauty. It makes the Soul red with guilt, and black with filth. Sin in Scripture is compared to a menstruous cloath, Isa. 30.22. to a plague sore, 1 Kings 8.38. Ioshua's filthy Garments, in which he stood be∣fore the Angel, Zach. 3.3. were nothing but a Type and Hieroglyphick of Sin. Sin hath blotted God's Image, and stained the orient brightness of the Soul. Sin makes God loath a sinner, Zach. 11.8. and when a sinner sees his sin, he loaths himself, Ezek. 20.42. Sin drops poison on our holy things, it infects our Prayers. Page  77 The High Priest was to make Atonement for sin on the Altar, Exod. 29.36. to typifie that our holiest Services need Christ to make Atonement for them. Du∣ties of Religion in themselves are good, but sin corrupts them, as the purest Wa∣ter is polluted, running through muddy ground. The Leper under the Law, if he had touched the Altar, the Altar had not cleansed him, but he had defiled the Al∣tar. The Apostle calls Sin 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, filthiness of flesh and spirit, 2 Cor. 7.1. Sin stamps the Devil's Image on a Man. Malice is the Devil's Eye, Hypocrisy his Cloven∣foot It turns a Man into a Devil, Iohn 6.20. Have not I chosen twelve, and one of you is a Devil.

2. Sin is a grieving of God's Spirit, Eph. 4.30. Grieve not the holy Spirit of God. To grieve is more than to anger.

Quest. How can the Spirit be said to be grieved? for seeing he is God, he cannot be subject to any passion.

Resp. This is spoken Metaphorically; Sin is said to grieve the Spirit, because it is an injury offered to the Spirit, and he takes it unkindly, and as it were lays it to heart. And is it not much thus to grieve the Spirit? The Holy Ghost descended in the likeness of a Dove; Sin makes this blessed Dove mourn. Were it only an Angel, we should not grieve him, but much less the Spirit of God. Is it not sad to grieve our Comforter?

3. Sin is an act of Contumacy against God; a walking Antipodes to Heaven, Lev. 26.27. If ye will walk contrary to me. A sinner tramples upon God's Law, crosseth his Will, doth all he can to affront, yea to spight God. The Hebrew word for sin Pashang, signifies Rebellion; there is the heart of a Rebel in every sin; Ier. 44.16. We will do whatsoever proceedeth out of our mouth, to burn Incense to the Queen of Heaven. Sin strikes at the very Deity; Peccatum est Dei-cidium, Sin would not only unthrone God, but un-God him. If the sinner could help it, God should no longer be God.

4. Sin is an act of disingenuity and unkindness; God feeds the sinner, keeps off evils from him, be miracles him with Mercy, but the sinner not only forgets God's Mercies, but abuseth them: he is the worse for Mercy; like Absolom, who as soon as David had kissed him, and took him into favour, plotted Treason against him, 2 Sam. 15.10. Like the Mule, who kicks the Damn after she hath given it Milk. Vas pertusum,〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, 2 Sam. 16.17. is this thy kindness to thy Friend? God may upbraid the sinner: I have given thee (may God say) thy Health, Strength, and Estate, thou requirest me evil for good, thou woundest me with my own Mercies; Is this thy kindness to thy Friend? did I give thee life to sin? did I give thee wages to serve the Devil?

5. Sin is a Disease, Isa. 1.5. The whole head is sick. Some are sick of Pride, o∣thers of Lust, others of Envy. Sin hath distempered the 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, the intellectu∣al part, 'tis a leprosy in the Head, it hath poison'd the Vitals, Tit. 2.16. Their Con∣science is defiled. 'Tis with a sinner as with a sick Patient, his Pallat is distempered, the sweetest things taste bitter to him. The Word, which is sweeter then the Hony∣comb, tasts bitter to him, Isa. 5.20. they put sweet for bitter. Thus, a Disease, and nothing can cure this Disease but the Blood of the Physitian.

6. Sin is an irrational thing; it makes a Man act not only wickedly, but foolishly. It is absurd and irrational to prefer the lesser before the greater, the Pleasures of Life, before the Rivers of Pleasures at God's right hand for evermore? Is it not irrati∣onal to lose Heaven for the satisfying or indulging the Lust? as Lysimachus, who for a draught of Water lost a Kingdom. Is it not irrational to gratifie an Enemy? in sin we do so. When Lust, or rash Anger burn in the Soul, Satan warms himself at this fire. Mortalium errores epulae sunt daemonum, Mens sins feast the Devil.

7. Sin is a painful thing; it costs Men much labour in pursuing their sins. How do Men tyre themselves in doing the Devil's drudgery, Ier. 9.5. They weary them∣selves to commit iniquity. Peccatum est sui ipsius poena. What pains did Iudas take to bring about his Treason? He goes to the High-Priest, and then after to the Band of Soldiers, and then back again to the Garden. St. Chrysostom saith, Vertue is easier than Vice. 'Tis more pains to some to follow their sins, than to others to worship their God. While the sinner travails with his sin, in sorrow he brings forth; it is called serving divers Lusts, Tit. 3.3. not enjoy, but serve: why so, because not only of the slavery in sin, but the hard labour; it is serving divers Lusts. Many a Man goes to Hell in the sweat of his brows.

8. Sin is the only thing God hath an antipathy against: God doth not hate a Man because he is poor, or despised in the World; you do not hate your Friend because he is sick; but that which draws forth the keens of God's hatred, is sin, Ier.Page  78 44.4. O do not this abominable thing which I hate. And sure, if the sinner dies under God's hatred, he cannot be admitted into the Celestial Mansions; will God let him live with him whom he hates; God will never lay a Viper in his bosom; the Feathers of the Eagle will not mix with the Feathers of other owls. God will not mix and incorporate with a sinner. Till sin be removed, there is no coming where God is.

III. See the evil of Sin in the Price paid for it; it cost the Blood of God to ex∣piate it. O Man (saith St. Austin) consider the greatness of thy sin by the greatness of the price paid for sin. All the Princes on Earth, or Angels in Heaven, could not satisfie for sin, only Christ. Nay, Christ's active Obedience was not enough to make atone∣ment for sin, but he must suffer upon the Cross; for without blood is no remission, Hebr. 9.22. O what an accursed thing is sin, that Christ should die for it! The e∣vil of sin is not so much seen in that one thousand are damned for it, as that Christ died for it.

IV. Sin is evil in the Effects of it.

1. Sin hath degraded us of our Honour. Reuben by Incest lost his Dignity, and though he were the first-born, he could not excel, Gen. 49.4. God made us in his own Image, a little lower than the Angels, but sin hath debased us. Before Adam sinned he was like an Herauld that hath his Coat of Arms upon him, all reverence him because he carries the King's Coat of Arms; but let this Coat be pull'd off, and he is despised, no Man regards him. Sin hath done this, it hath pluck'd off our Coat of Innocency, and now it hath debased us, and turned our glory into shame, Dan. 11.21. And there shall stand up a vile person. This was spoken of Antiochus Epiphanes, who was a King, and his name signifies illustrious, yet sin had degraded him, he was a vile person.

2. Sin disquiets the Peace of the Soul: whatever defiles, disturbs; as Poison tor∣tures the Bowels, corrupts the Blood, so doth Sin the Soul. Isa. 57.21. Sin breeds a trembling at the heart; it creates fears, and there is torment in fear, 1 Iohn 4.18. Sin makes sad Convulsions in the Conscience. Iudas was so terrified with guilt and horrour, that he hangs himself to quiet his Conscience. And is not he like to to be well cured, that throws himself into Hell for ease?

3. Sin produceth all Temporal Evil. Lam. 1.8. Ierusalem hath grievously sinned, ergo she is removed. It is the Trogan Horse, it hath Sword, and Famine, and Pesti∣lence in the Belly of it. Sin is a Coal, that not only blacks but burns. Sin creates all our Troubles; it puts Gravel into our Bread, Wormword in our Cup. Sin rots the Name, consumes the Estate, buries Relations. Sin shoots the flying Roll of God's Curses into a Family and Kingdom, Zach. 5.4. It is reported of Phocas, ha∣ving built a Wall of mighty strength about his City, there was a voice heard, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, Sin is within the City, and that will throw down the Wall.

4. Sin unrepented of brings final damnation. The canker that breeds in the Rose is the cause of its perishing; and corruptions that breed in Mens Souls, are the cause of their damning. Sin without Repentance brings the second death, Rev. 20.14. that is, mors sine morte, Bern. a death always dying. Sins pleasure will turn to sorrow at last; like the Book the Prophet did eat, Ezek. 3.3. sweet in the mouth, but bit∣ter in the belly. Sin brings the wrath of God, and what Buckets or Engines can quench that Fire? Mark 9.44. Where the worm never dies, and the fire is not quench∣ed.

Use 1. See how deadly an evil sin is; how strange is it that any one should love it, Psal. 4.3. How long will ye love vanity? Hos. 3.1. Who look to other Gods, and love Flagons and Wine. Sin is a Dish Men cannot forbear, though it make them sick; who would pour Rose-water into a Kennel? what pity is it so sweet an affection as Love should be poured upon so filthy a thing as sin. Sin brings a sting in the Conscience, a curse in the Estate, yet Men love it. A sinner is the greatest Self-denier for his sin, he will deny himself a part in Heaven.

Use 2. Do any thing rather then sin. O hate sin! there is more evil in the least sin, then in the greatest bodily Evils that can befall us. The Ermyn rather chooseth to die, then defileth her beautiful skin. There is more evil in a drop of sin, then in a Sea of Affliction: Affliction is but like a rent in a Coat, Sin a prick at the Heart. In Affliction there is aliquid boni, some good. In this Lion there is some Hony to be found; Psal. 119.71. It is good for me that I was afflicted. Utile est animae si in hac area mundi flagellis trituretur corpus, Aug. Affliction is God's Flail to thrash off our Husks; not to consume, but refine. There is no good in sin; it is the spirit and quintissence of Evil. Sin is worse then Hell; for the pains of Hell only are Page  79 a burden to the Creature, but sin is a burden to God, Amos 2.13. I am pressed under your iniquities, as a Cart is pressed under the sheaves.

Use ult. Is Sin so great an Evil, then how thankful should you be to God, if he hath taken away your sin; Zach. 3.3. I have caused thy iniquity to pass from thee. If you had a Disease on your Body, Plague or Dropsie, how thankful would you be to have it taken away, much more to have sin taken away. God takes away the guilt of sin by pardoning grace, and the power of sin by mortifying grace. O be thankful that this sickness is not unto death. That God hath changed your Nature, and by graft∣ing you into Christ, made you partake of the sweetness of that Olive; that sin, though it live, doth not reign, but the elder serves the younger, the elder of sin serves the younger of grace.