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Title:  Romæ antiquæ descriptio a view of the religion, laws, customs, manners, and dispositions of the ancient Romans, and others : comprehended in their most illustrious acts and sayings agreeable to history / written in Latine by ... Quintus Valerius Maximus ; and now carefully rendred into English ; together with the life of the author.
Author: Valerius Maximus.
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3. For Five Hundred Fifty Eight years, the Senate stood mix among the common People to behold the publick Shews. But this custome Ailius Srranus and L. Scribonius Edils abrogated, when they made Plays to the Mother of the Gods, following the judgment of the Elder Africanus, and setting up seats for the Sena∣tors distinct from the people. Which thing alienated the Affection of the common people, and weakned the high esteem which they had of him.4. Now I shall rhearse the beginning and first ori∣ginal Institution o Playes. In the time that Sulpitius Peticus and Licinius Stolo were Consuls, a most vio∣lent Pestilence had afflicted our City, then at peace a∣broad, with new cares of preservation from inestine calamity: And there was no help in any humane ad∣vice, all reliance was upon the strict and new wor∣ship of Religion. Nor would the favour of the Gods lend any ear to the Verses compos'd for their atone∣ment, until the time which Romulus, upon his ra∣vishing the Sabine Virgins, consecrated with particu∣lar Festivals, which he called Consualia. Now as it is the custome of men to pursue small beginnings with an ardent affection, the young men added gesture to the pious and reverent words which they us'd towards the Gods, though with a rustick and uncompos'd mo∣tion of their Bodies. Which occasioned the calling of Ludius out of Hetruria, whose comely swiftness after the manner of the Curetes and Lydians, from whom the Hetrurians had their Original, was a plea∣sing Novelty to the eyes of the Romans: and because Ludius was among them called Histrio, therefore all Players were afterwards called Histriones. At length the Discipline of playing advancd it self to the mea∣sures of the Sayrs: whence first of all the Poet Livie took the affections of the people with Historical Argu∣ments. He being often bawl'd at by the people, to 0