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LETTER XLVI. Hague, Aug. 7. S. N. 69. (Book 46)
I was extream glad to find by yours of the 20th past, that you understood so perfectly, what I had represented to you of their intentions here as to the Marine Ar∣ticle; that is, the General Article to se∣cure us from all injuries by any new pra∣ctises to disturb our Trade, and for any present injuries we lie under, they will re∣lieve us upon our instances in particular, as now in that of Macassar; and so in any other, wherein we shall have the Ju∣stice on our side, which was so directly my meaning, and theirs as I understood it, that I have repeated it in your own words; and am pretty confident, if you keep close to that Method, we shall yet see this bu∣siness come to an issue: Though Monsieur de Witt wishes often, the words last sent from the Town of Amsterdam, might be accepted; because he says, they are so jea∣lous of our implicite meaning▪ and reach at something that may make a general