Letters written by Sir William Temple during his being ambassador at The Hague, to the Earl of Arlington and Sir John Trevor, Secretaries of State to K. Charles II wherein are discovered many secrets hitherto concealed / published from the originals, under Sir William Temple's own hand ; and dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Littleton, Speaker of the House of Commons, by D. Jones, Gent.
- Title
- Letters written by Sir William Temple during his being ambassador at The Hague, to the Earl of Arlington and Sir John Trevor, Secretaries of State to K. Charles II wherein are discovered many secrets hitherto concealed / published from the originals, under Sir William Temple's own hand ; and dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Littleton, Speaker of the House of Commons, by D. Jones, Gent.
- Author
- Temple, William, Sir, 1628-1699.
- Publication
- London :: Printed and are to be sold by A. Baldwin ...,
- 1699.
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To the extent possible under law, the Text Creation Partnership has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above, according to the terms of the CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/). This waiver does not extend to any page images or other supplementary files associated with this work, which may be protected by copyright or other license restrictions. Please go to http://www.textcreationpartnership.org/ for more information.
- Subject terms
- Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands.
- Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain.
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"Letters written by Sir William Temple during his being ambassador at The Hague, to the Earl of Arlington and Sir John Trevor, Secretaries of State to K. Charles II wherein are discovered many secrets hitherto concealed / published from the originals, under Sir William Temple's own hand ; and dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Littleton, Speaker of the House of Commons, by D. Jones, Gent." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A64310.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.
- title page
TO THE Right Honourable Sir
Thomas Littleton, Speaker of the House of Commons. - The PREFACE.
LETTERS OF Sir William Temple,&c. -
LETTER II. Hague, Octob. 5.S. N. 68. -
LETTER III. Hague, Octob. 12.S. N. 68. -
LETTER IV: Hague, Octob. 22.S. N. 68. -
LETTER V. Hague; Octob. 26.S. N. 68. -
LETTER VI. Hague, Octob. 30.S. N. 68. -
LETTER VII. Hague, Novemb. 4.S. N. 68. -
LETTER VIII. Hague, Novemb. 13.S. N. 68. -
LETTER IX. Hague, Novemb. 30.S. N. 68. -
LETTER X. Hague; Decemb. 11.S. N. 68. -
LETTER XI▪ Hague, Decemb. 14.S. N. 68. -
LETTER XII. Hague, Decemb. 18.S. N. 68. -
LETTER XIII. Hague, Decemb. 28.S. N. 68. -
LETTER XIV. Hague, Ianuary 1.S. N. 68. -
LETTER XV. Hague, Ianuary 8.S. N. 68. -
LETTER XVI. Hague, Ianuary 15.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XVII. Hague, Ianuary 25.S. N. 6 ▪ -
LETTER XVIII. Hague, Ianuary 29.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XIX. Hague, February 5.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XX. Hague, February 12.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XXI. Hague, February 26.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XXII: Hague, March 1.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XXIII. Hague, Ianuary 29.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XXIV. Hague, March 22.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XXV. Hague; March 26.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XXVI: Hague, March 29.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XXVII. Hague, April 2.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XXVIII. Hague, April 5.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XXIX. Hague, April 12.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XXX. Hague, April 16.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XXXI. Hague, April 19.S. N. 69: -
LETTER XXXII. Hague, April 23.N. S. 69. -
LETTER XXXIII. Hague, April 26.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XXXIV. Hague, May 3d.S. N. 69▪ -
LETTER XXXV. Hague, May 10.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XXXVI. Hague, May 16.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XXXVI. Hague, Iune 4.S. N. 69▪ -
LETTER XXXVII. Hague, Iune 7.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XXXVIII. Hague, Iune 18.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XXXIX. Hague, Iune 21.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XL. Hague, Iune 25.N. S. 69. -
LETTER XLI. Hague, Iuly 5.S. N. 69▪ -
LETTER XLII. Hague, Iuly 9.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XLIII. Hague, Iuly 19.S. N. 69. -
LETTER▪ XLIV. Hague, Iuly 23.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XLV. Hague, Iuly 30.S▪ N. 69. -
LETTER XLVI. Hague, Aug. 7.S. N. 69. -
LETTER XLVII. Hague, April14th, N. S. 1679. -
LETTER XLVIII. Hague, April11th, N. S. 1679. -
LETTER XLIX. Nimeguen, Feb.1st. S. N. 1677.