The rule and exercises of holy dying in which are described the means and instruments of preparing our selves and others respectively, for a blessed death, and the remedies against the evils and temptations proper to the state of sicknesse : together with prayers and acts of vertue to be used by sick and dying persons, or by others standing in their attendance : to which are added rules for the visitation of the sick and offices proper for that ministery.
Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667.
The Prayer of S. Eustratius the Martyr to be used by the sick or dying man, or by the Priests, or assistants in his behalf, which he said when he was going to mar∣tyrdom.

I Will praise thee O Lord, that thou hast con∣sidered my low estate, and hast not shut me up in the hands of my enemies, nor made my foes to rejoyce over me: and now let thy right hand protect me, and let thy mercy come up∣on me, for my soul is in trouble and anguish because of its departure from the body. O let not the assemblies of its wicked and cruell enemies meet it in the passing forth, nor hin∣der me, by reason of the sins of my passed life. O Lord be favourable unto me, that my so I may not behold the hellish countenance of the spirits of darknesse, but let thy bright and joyfull Angels entertain it. Give glory to thy Holy Name and to thy Majesty; place me by thy mercifull arm before thy seat of Judgement, and let not the hand of the Page  311 prince of this world snatch me from thy pre∣sence, or bear me into hell. Mercy sweet Jesu. Amen.