Monthly observations for the preserving of health with a long and comfortable life, in this our pilgrimage on earth; but more particularly for the spring and summer seasons. By Phylotheus Phystologus. With allowance.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703.

Of purging Gruel.

TAke Water, what quantity you please, make it boyling hot, then put into it a good quantity of any of these Herbs following, or others that you shall best like, viz. Scurvy-Grass Spinnage Corn-Sallet, Page  51 Parsly, Smalage Elder-Buds. Take your Water off your Fire, cover it, and let them infuse one hour, then take your Liquor from your Herbs, and brew it with some tempered Oatmeal, you may drink it with Salt, or without, from a Quart to three Quarts in a Morning, and fast till Dinner, this is a brave Cordial Gruel, it will move gentily to stool, more natural then most sorts of Physick; and wash and cleanse the Stomach from all superfluous matter, thins the Blood, and open all the Passa∣ges, by which the Humours will freely circulate, carrying away all Windy, Watery, or Flatulent Juces; this sort of Gruel is not only good in the Spring, but at all Seasons of the Year, when the Herbs can be procured; if the natural and pro∣per use of Herbs were known and practised, there would be but little need of Physick, especially if Order and Temperance were observed.