England's grandeur, and way to get wealth: or, Promotion of trade made easy and lands advanced; beneficial to particular persons, and to the kingdom in general; wherein many thousand of indigent poor families may be employed; breaches made in our trade by the French, Portuguese, Genoese, Swedes, Dutch and Danes, demonstrated. Furnishing funerals by undertakers, making buttons and shoe-buckles of various sorts of metals, a great detriment to weavers of tape, cotton, ferrit, and silk-riband, and in short to all other trades, the West India trade discouraged, ... the prejudice of trade by strangers, that are lodgers and inmates only, who by their monopolizing ways, have got estates, and then bid farewel to England, the cause of the rent of houses falling, the reasons why great taxes cannot easily be paid, laying taxes on the back and belly, the best way to raise money, which will hurt neither rich nor poor, provided navigation and free circulation of trade be maintained, and merchants encouraged. Reasons why we have not a more considerable trade now the war is ov

England's grandeur, and way to get wealth: or, Promotion of trade made easy and lands advanced; beneficial to particular persons, and to the kingdom in general; wherein many thousand of indigent poor families may be employed; breaches made in our trade by the French, Portuguese, Genoese, Swedes, Dutch and Danes, demonstrated. Furnishing funerals by undertakers, making buttons and shoe-buckles of various sorts of metals, a great detriment to weavers of tape, cotton, ferrit, and silk-riband, and in short to all other trades, the West India trade discouraged, ... the prejudice of trade by strangers, that are lodgers and inmates only, who by their monopolizing ways, have got estates, and then bid farewel to England, the cause of the rent of houses falling, the reasons why great taxes cannot easily be paid, laying taxes on the back and belly, the best way to raise money, which will hurt neither rich nor poor, provided navigation and free circulation of trade be maintained, and merchants encouraged. Reasons why we have not a more considerable trade now the war is ov
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703.
[London] :: Sold by J. Harris, at the Harrow, and G. Conyers, at the Ring in Little Britain,

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Great Britain -- Commerce -- Early works to 1800.
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"England's grandeur, and way to get wealth: or, Promotion of trade made easy and lands advanced; beneficial to particular persons, and to the kingdom in general; wherein many thousand of indigent poor families may be employed; breaches made in our trade by the French, Portuguese, Genoese, Swedes, Dutch and Danes, demonstrated. Furnishing funerals by undertakers, making buttons and shoe-buckles of various sorts of metals, a great detriment to weavers of tape, cotton, ferrit, and silk-riband, and in short to all other trades, the West India trade discouraged, ... the prejudice of trade by strangers, that are lodgers and inmates only, who by their monopolizing ways, have got estates, and then bid farewel to England, the cause of the rent of houses falling, the reasons why great taxes cannot easily be paid, laying taxes on the back and belly, the best way to raise money, which will hurt neither rich nor poor, provided navigation and free circulation of trade be maintained, and merchants encouraged. Reasons why we have not a more considerable trade now the war is ov." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A63790.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.


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