A True relation of two prodigious births the like not hapning in many generations, the signification whereof is left to the judicious to contemplate.

On May 19. 1680.

IN Summerset-shire, near Taunton Dean, at a Place called Eill Brawars Was a wo∣man brought to Bed with Two Children: They grow together side to side from the Arm-pits to the Hip-Bone; They have two Fundaments whereby to avoid their Excrements; They have also two Passages for their Urine; yet have they but one Navel, by which both were nourished while in the VVomb; both suck together, or are both equally desirous of Nourishment together; and as they equally covet Refreshment, so they are equally sensible of their Grief and Pain, for they weep and express their Sorrow together: They are both Christned, and called by the Names of Aquila and Priscilla.

Their Births being thus with their Bodies strangely united, hath proved very much Advantagious to their Parents, by the numerous Access of the Multi∣tude, who come to see the Children from many Miles round about, and give the Parents considerably.

ALso, within a few Miles of this Town, which is likewise admirable, A Cow was Calving, but dying before she could bring forth, she was Cut open, and in her Body was found two Calves grown together, and were joyned by their Bellies, their Fore-legs clinched about each other: they have two Heads, 8 legs, and two Tails.

This hapned likewise about the same time when the woman was delivered. And hath beheld to Admirations. The Truth hereof will be certified at Mr. Jones's Cof∣fee house behind the Exchange in Ship yard, in Bartholomew Lane.