A true relation of the wonderful cure of Mary Maillard, lame almost ever since she was born, on Sunday the 26th of Nov. 1693 with the affidavits and certificates of the girl, and several other credible and worthy persons, who knew her both before and since her being cured : to which is added, a letter from Dr. Welwood to the Right Honourable the Lady Mayoress, upon that subject.
Welwood, James, 1652-1727.

The Affidavit of Mrs. Margaret Megee.

I Margaret Megee, living in Leicesterfields next to the Standard-Tavern; do certifie that I have seen several times a French Girl, (whose Name I understand to be Mary Mail∣lard) going extreamly lame: And that I have seen her since, going and walking up∣right, and that she told me that she had been cured without any Humane help on Sunday the 26th. of November last, upon reading the se∣cond Chapter of the Gospel of St. Mark.

Decemb. the 21st. 1693.

Margaret Megee.