A choice manual containing what is to be believed, practised, and desired or prayed for; the prayers being fitted to the several days of the week. Also festival hymns, according to the manner of the ancient church. Composed for the use of the devout, especially of younger persons, by Jeremy Taylor, D.D.
Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667., Duppa, Brian, 1588-1662. Guide for the penitent: or, A modell drawn up for the help of a devout soul wounded with sin.
Page  80

POSTULANDA. OR, Things to be prayed for.

A FORM of PRAYER, By way of Paraphrase expounding The Lord's Prayer.

Our Father.

MErciful and Gracious, thou ga∣vest us being, raising us from no∣thing, to be an excellent creati∣on, efforming us after thy own I∣mage, tenderly feeding us, and con∣ducting and strengthening us all our days: Thou art our Father by a more excellent Mercy, adopting us in a new birth, to become partakers of the in∣inheritance Page  81 of Jesus: Thou hast given us the portion and the food of Sons; O make us to do the Duty of Sons, that we may never loose our title to so glorious an inheritance.

Let this excellent Name and Title, by which thou hast vouchsafed to relate to us, be our Glory and our Confidence, our Defence and Guard, our Ornament and Strength, our dignity, and the en∣dearment of Obedience, the Principle of a holy Fear to thee our Father, and of Love to thee and to our Brethren parta∣kers of the same Hope and Dignity.

Unite every member of the Church to thee in holy bands: Let there be no more names of Division, nor Titles and Ensigns of Errour and Partiality: Let not us who are Brethren contend, but in giving honor to each other and glory to thee, contending earnestly for the Faith, but not to the breach of Charity, nor the denying each others Hope. But grant that we may all join in the promotion of the honour of thee our Father, in cele∣brating the Name, and spreading the Family, and propagating the Laws and Institutions, the Promises and Dignities of our Elder Brother, that despising the Page  82 transitory entertainments of this world, we may labour for and long after the in∣heritance to which thou hast given us title, by adopting us into the dignity of Sons. For ever let thy Spirit witness to our spirit that we are thy children: ena∣ble us to cry Abba, Father.

Which art in Heaven.

Heaven is thy Throne, the Earth thy Footstool. From thy throne thou be∣holdest all the dwellers upon Earth, and triest out the hearts of men, and nothing is hid from thy sight. And as thy Know∣ledge is infinite, so is thy Power uncir∣cumscribed as the utmost Orb of Hea∣ven, and thou sittest in thy own Essential Happiness and Tranquillity, immovable and Eternal. That is our Country, and thither thy Servants are travelling; there is our Father, and that is our in∣heritance; there our hearts are, for there our treasure is laid up till the day of Re∣compence.

Hallowed be thy Name.

Thy Name, O God, is glorious, and in thy Name is our hope and confi∣dence. According to thy Name, so is Page  83 thy praise unto the World's end. They that love thy Name shall be joyful in thee; for thy Name which thou madest to be pro∣claimed unto thy people, is, The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long∣suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, for∣giving iniquity, and transgression, and sin, and that will by no means clear the guil∣ty. In this glorious Name we worship thee, O Lord; and all they that know thy Name will put their trust in thee. The desire of our Soul is to thy Name, and to the remembrance of thee. Thou art wor∣thy, O Lord, of Honour, and praise, and glory, for ever and ever: we confess thy glories, we rejoyce in thy mercies; we hope in thy Name, and thy Saints like it well: for thy Name is praised unto the end of the World; it is believed by Faith, relied upon by a holy Hope, and loved by a great Charity. All thy Church celebrates thee with praises, and offers to thy Name the Sacrifices of Prayers and Thanksgiving.

Thou, O God, didst frame our Na∣ture by thy own Image, and now thou hast imprinted thy Name upon us, we are thy servants, the relatives and do∣mesticks Page  84 of thy family, and thou hast ho∣noured us with the gracious appellative of Christians. O let us never dishonour so excellent a Title, nor by unworthy usages prophane thy holy Name, but for ever glorifie it. Let our Life be answer∣able to our dignity; that our body may be chast, our thoughts clean, our words gracious, our manners holy, and our life usefull and innocent; that men seeing our good works, may glorifie thee our Father which art in Heaven.

Thy Kingdom come.

Thou reignest in Heaven and Earth: O do thou rule also in our hearts, ad∣vance the interest of Religion, let thy Gospel be placed in all the Regions of the earth, and let all Nations come and worship thee, laying their proud•… wills at thy feet, submitting their understand∣ings to the obedience of Jesus, conform∣ing their affections to thy holy Laws. Let thy Kingdom be set up gloriously over us, and do thou reign in our Spirits by thy Spirit of Grace; subdue every lust and inordinate appetite, trample upon our pride, mortifie all rebellion within us, and let all thine and our enemies be Page  85 brought into captivity, that sin may never reign in our mortal Bodies; but that Christ may reign in our Understanding by Faith, in the Will, by Charity, in the Passions by Mortifications, in all the Mem∣bers by a right and a chast use of them. And when thy Kingdom that is with∣in us hath flourished and is advanced to that height whither thou hast designed it, grant thy Kingdom of Glory may speedily succeed, and we thy Servants be admitted to the peace and purity, the holiness and glories of that state where thou reignest alone, and art all in all.

Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven.

Thy Will, O God is the measure of holiness and peace; thy Providence the great disposer of all things, tying all e∣vents together, in order to thy glory and the good of thy Servants, by a wonder∣ful mysterious Chain of Wisdom. Let thy Will also be the measure of our de∣sires: for we know that whatsoever thou saiest is true, and whatsoever thou doest is good. Grant we may submit our wills to Page  86 thine, being patient of evils which thou inflictest, lovers of the good which thou commandest, haters of all evil which thou forbiddest, pleased with all the accidents thou sendest; that though our nature is weaker than Angels, yet our obedience may be as humble, our con∣formity to thy will may arise up to the degrees of Unity, and theirs cannot be more; that as they in Heaven, so we on Earth May obey thy will promptly, chear∣fully, zealously, and with all our facul∣ties: and grant, that as they there, so all the world here may serve thee with peace and concord, purity and love un∣feigned, with one heart and one voice glorifying thee our heavenly Father.

Grant that we may quit all our own affections, and suspect our reasonings, and go out of our selves, and all our own confidences; that thou being to us all things, disposing all events, and guide∣ing all our actions, and directing our intentions, and over-ruling all things in us and about us, we may be Servants of thy Divine Will for ever.

Page  87

Give us this day our daily Bread.

Thou, O God, which takest care of our Souls, do not despise our Bodies which thou hast made and sanctified, and designed to be glorious. But now we are exposed to hunger and thirst, nakedness and weariness, want and inconvenience, Give unno us neither poverty nor riches, but feed us with food convenient for us, and cloth us with fitting provisions, according to that state and condition wherein thou hast placed thy Servants: that we may not be tempted with want, nor made contemptible by beggery, nor wanton or proud by riches, nor in love with any thing in this World; but that we may use it as strangers and pilgrims, as the relief of our needs, the support of our infirmities, and the oil of our lamps, feeding us till we are quite spent in thy service. Lord, take from thy Servants sad carefulness and all distrust, and give us only such a proportion af temporal things as may inable us with comfort to do our duty.

Page  88

Forgive us our Trespasses, as we forgive them that tres∣pass against us

O dear God, unless thou art pleased to pardon us, in vain it is that we should live here, and what good will our life do us? O look upon us with much mer∣cy, for we have sinned grievously against thee. Pardon the adherent imperfections of our life, the weakness of our duty, the carelesness of our spirit, our affected ig∣norance, our indiligence, our rashness and want of observation, our malice and presumptions. Turn thine eyes from our impurities, and behold the brightness and purest innocence of the holy J•…sus; and under his cover we plead our cause, not that thou shouldst judge our sins, but give us pardon, and blot out all our iniquities, that we may never enter into the horrible regions where there are torments without ceasing, a prison without ransom, reproaches without comfort, anguish without patience, darkness without light, a worm that ne∣ver dies, and the fire that never goeth out.

Page  89 But be pleased also to give us great charity, that we may truly forgive all that trouble or injure us, that by this Character thou mayest discern us to be thy Sons and Servants, Disciples of the Holy Jesus; lest our prayer be turned into sin, and thy Grace be recalled, and thou enter into a final anger against thy Servants.

Lead us not into Temptation;

Gracious Father, we are weak and ignorant, our affections betray us, and make us willing to die; our adversary the Devil goeth up and down, seeking whom he may devour, he is busie and crafty, malicious and powerful, watch∣ful and envious; and we tempt our selves, running out to mischief, delight∣ing in the approaches of sin, and love to have necessities put upon us, that sin may be unavoidable. Pity us in the midst of these disorders, and give us spiritual strength, holy Resolutions, a watchful Spirit, the whole Armour of God, and thy protection, the guard of Angels, and the conduct of thy holy Spirit, to be our security in the day of danger. Give us thy grace to fly from all occasions to sin, that Page  90 we may never tempt our selves, nor de∣light to be tempted; and let thy bles∣sed Province so order the accidents of our lives, that we may not dwell near an enemy; and when thou shalt try us, and suffer us to enter into combat, let us al∣ways be on thy side, and fight valiantly, resist the Devil, and endure patiently, and persevere constantly unto the end, that thou mayest crown thy own work in us.

But deliver us from evil.

From sin and shame, from the malice and fraud of the Devil, and from the falseness and greediness of men, from all thy wrath, and from all our impurities, good Lord deliver thy Servants.

Do not reserve any thing of thy wrath in store for us; but let our sins be par∣doned so fully, that thou maiest not punish our inventions. And yet if thou wilt not be intreated, but that it be ne∣cessary that we suffer, thy will be done: Smite us here with a Father's rod, that thou maiest spare us hereafter: let the sad accidents of our life be for good to us, not for evil; for our amendment, not to exasperate or weary us, not Page  91 to harden or confound us: and what evil soever it be that shall happen, let us not sin against thee. For ever deliver us from that evil, and for ever deliver us from the power of the evil one, the great enemy of mankind; and never let our portion be in that Region of Darkness in that everlasting burning which thou hast prepared for the Devil and his Angels for ever.

For thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

So shall we thy Servants advance the Mightiness of thy Kingdom, the Power of thy Majesty, and the Glory of thy Mercy, from generation to generation for ever.

Page  92

LITANIES FOR All Things and Persons.

O God the Father of Mercies, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy upon thy Servants, and hear the prayers of us miserable sinners.

O Blessed Jesus, the Fountain of Peace and Pardon, our Wisdom and our Righteousness, our Sanctification and Redemption, have mercy upon thy Ser∣vants, refuse not to hear the Prayers of us miserable, sorrowful and returning sinners.

O Holy and Divinest Spirit of the Fa∣ther, help our infirmities; for of our selves we know not what to ask, nor how to pray; but do thou assist and be present in the desires of us miserable sin∣ners.

Page  93

I. For Pardon of Sins.

REmember not, Lord, the follies of our childhood, nor the lusts of our youth, the wildness of our head, nor the wandrings of our heart; the infinite sins of our tongue, and the inexcusable errours of the days of vanity.

Lord, have mercy upon us poor miserable sinners.

Remember not, O Lord, the growing iniquities of our elder age, the pride of our spirit, the abuse of our members, the greediness of our purposes, the peevish∣ness and violence of all our passions and affections.

Lord, have mercy, &c.

Remember not, O Lord, how we have been full of envy and malice, anger and revenge; fierce and earnest in the pur∣chases and vanities of the world, and la∣zy and dull, slow and soon weary in the things of God and of Religion.

Lord, have mercy, &c.

Page  94 Remember not, O Lord, our unchari∣table behaviour •…towards those with whom we have conversed, our jealousies and suspitions, our evil surmisings and evil reportings, the breach of our pro∣mises to men, and the breach of all our holy vows made to thee our God.

Lord, have mercy, &c.

Remember not, O Lord, how often we have omitted the several parts and actions of our duty; for our sins of Omission are infinite, and we have not sought after the Righteousness of God, but have rested in carelesness and for∣getfulness, in a false peace and a silent Conscience.

Lord, have mercy, &c.

O most gracious Lord, enter not into judgment with thy servants, lest we be consumed in thy wrath and just displea∣sure; from which,

Good Lord, deliver us, and preserve thy servants for ever.

Page  95

II. For Deliverance from Evils.

FRom gross ignorance and stupid neg∣ligence, from a wandring head and a trifling spirit, from the violence and rule of passion, from a servile will and a commanding lust, from all intempe∣rance, inordination and irregularity whatsoever.

Good Lord, deliver and preserve thy servants for ever.

From a covetous mind and greedy desires, from lustful thoughts and a wan∣ton eye, from rebellious members and the pride and vanity of spirit, from false o∣pinions and ignorant confidences,

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

From improvidence and prodigality, from envy and the spirit of slander, from idleness and sensuality, from presumpti∣on and despair, from sinful actions and all vitious habits,

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

From fierceness of rage and hastiness Page  96 of spirit, from clamorous and reproach∣ful language, from peevish anger and in∣humane malice, from the spirit of con∣tention and hasty and indiscreet zeal,

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

From a schismatical and heretical spi∣rit, from tyranny and tumults, from se∣dition and factions, from envying the Grace of God in our Brother, from im∣penitence and hardness of heart, from obstinacy and apostasie, from delighting in sin and hating God and good men,

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

From fornication and adultery, from unnatural desires and unnatural hatreds, from gluttony and drunkenness, from loving and believing lyes, and taking pleasure in the remembrances of evil things, from delighting in our Neigh∣bour's misery and procuring it, from upbraiding others and hating reproof of our selves,

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

From impudence and shame, from contempt and scorn, from oppression and cruelty, from a pitiless and unrelenting Page  97 spirit, from a churlish behaviour and un∣decent usages of our selves or others.

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

From famine and pestilence, from noisome and infectious deseases, from sharp and intolerable pains, from impa∣tience and tediousness of spirit, from a state of temptation and hardened con∣sciences,

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

From banishment and prison, from widowhood and want, from violence of pains and passions, from tempests and earthquakes, from the rage of fire and water, from Rebellion and Treason, from fretfulness and inordinate cares, from murmuring against God and disobedi∣ence to the Divine Commandment,

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

From delaying our rep•…ntance and persevering in sin, from false principles and prejudices, from un•…hankfulness and irreligion, from seducing others and be∣ing abused our selves, from the malice and craftiness of the Devil, and the de∣ceit and lyings of the World.

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

Page  98 From wounds and murther, from pre∣cipices and falls, from fracture of bones and dislocation of joynts, from dismem∣bring our bodies and all infatuation of our Souls, from folly and madness, from uncertainty of mind and state, and from a certainty of sinning,

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

From Thunder and lightning, from phantasms. Spectres and illusions of the night, from sudden and great Changes, from the snares of wealth and the con∣tempt of beggery and extreme poverty, from being made an example and a war∣ning to others by suffering sad judg∣ments our selves,

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

From condemning others and justify∣ing our selves, from misspending our time and abusing thy Grace, from calling good evil and evil good, from consenting to folly and tempting others,

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

From excess in speaking and peevish silence, from looser laughing and immo∣derate weeping, from giving evil ex∣ample Page  99 to others or following any our selves, from giving or receiving scandal, from the horrible sentence of endless death and damnation,

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

From cursing and swearing, from un∣charitable chiding and easiness to believe evil, from the evil spirit that walketh at noon and the arrow that flieth in dark∣ness, from the Angel of wrath and pe∣rishing in popular diseases

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

From the want of a Spiritual Guide, from a famine of the Word and Sacra∣mants, from hurtful persecution, and from taking part with persecutors,

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

From drowning or being burnt alive, from sleepless nights and contentious days, from a melancholick and a confu∣sed spirit, from violent fears and the loss of reason, from a vitious life and a sud∣den and unprovided death,

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

From relying upon vain fancies and Page  100 false foundations, from an evil and an amazed Conscience, from sinning near the end of our life, and from despairing in the day of our death,

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

From hypocrisie and wilfulness, from self-love and vain ambition, from curio∣sity and carelesnes, from being tempted in the days of our weakness, from the prevailing of the flesh and grieving the Spirit, from all thy wrath, and from all our sins,

Good Lord, deliver, &c.

III. For gifts and graces.

HEar our Prayer, O Lord, and consider our desire, hearken unto us for thy truth and righteousness sake: O hide not thy face from us, neither cast away thy servants in displeasure.

Give unto us the spirit of Prayer, fre∣quent and fervent, holy and perseve∣ring; an unreprovable•… Faith, a just Page  101 and an humble Hope, and a never-failing Charity.

Hear our Prayers, O Lord, and consider our desire.

Give unto us true humility, a meek and a quiet spirit, a loving and a friend∣ly, a holy and a useful conversation, bear∣ing the burthens of our neighbours, de∣nying our selves, and studying to benefit others, and to please thee in all things.

Hear our Prayers, &c

Give us a prudent and a sober, a just and a sincere, a temperate and a religi∣ous spirit, a great contempt of the world, a love of holy things, and a longing after Heaven, and the instruments and paths that lead thither.

Hear our Prayers, &c

Grant us to be thankful to our Bene factors, righteous in performing promi∣ses, loving to our relatives, careful of our charges; to be gentle and easie to be intreated, slow to anger, and fully in∣structed and readily prepared for every good work.

Hear our Prayers, &c.

Page  102 Give us a peaceable spirit and a peaceable life, free from debt and dead∣ly sin; grace to abstain from appearances of evil, and to do nothing but what is of good report, to confess Christ and his holy Religion, by a holy and obedient life, and a mind ready to die for him when he shall call us and assist us.

Hear our Prayers, &c.

Give to thy servants a watchful and an observing Spirit, diligent in doing our duty, inflexible to evil, obedient to thy word, inquisitive after thy will, pure and holy thoughts, strong and religious pur∣poses, and thy grace to perform faith∣fully what we have promised in the day of our duty, or in the day of our calamity.

Hear our Prayers, &c.

O teach us to despise all vanity, to fight the battels of the Lord manfully against the Flesh, the World and the Devil, to spend our time religiously and usefully, to speak gracious words, to walk always as in thy presence, to preserve our Souls and bodies in holiness, fit for the habitation of the holy Spirit of God.

Hear our Prayers, &c.

Page  103 Give us a holy and a perfect repen∣tance, a well-instructed understanding, regular affections, a constant and a wise heart, a good name, a fear of thy Ma∣jesty, and a love of all thy glories above all the things in the world for ever.

Hear our Prayers, &c.

Give us a healthful body and a clear understanding, the love of our neigh∣bours and the peace of the Church, the publick use and comforts of thy holy Word and Sacraments, a great love to all Christians, and obedience to our Su∣periours Ecclesiastical and Civil all the days of our life.

Hear our Prayers, &c.

Give us Spiritual Wisdom, that we may discern what is pleasing to thee, and follow what belongs unto our peace; and let the knowledge and love of God, and of Jesus Christ our Lord, be our guide and our portion all our days.

Hear our Prayers, &c.

Give unto us holy dispositions, and an active industry in thy service, to re∣deem the time mis-spent in vanity: for Page  104 thy pity sake take not vengeance of us for our sins, but sanctifie our Souls and bodies in this life, and glorifie them hereafter.

Hear our Prayers, &c.

Our Father, &c.

IV. To be added to the former Li•…anies, according as our Devotions and time will su•…fe•….

For all states of Men and Women, especially in the Christian Church.

O Blessed God, in mercy remember thine inheritance, and forget not the congregation of the poor for ever; pity poor mankind, whose portion is misery and folly, shame and death. But thou art our Redeemer, and the lifter up of our head, and under the shadow of thy Page  105 wings shall be our help, until this Ty∣ranny be over-past.

Have mercy upon us, O God, and hid not thy self from our Petition.

Preserve, O God, the Catholick Church in holiness and truth, in unity and peace, free from persecution, or glorious under it; that she may for ever advance the honour of our Lord Jesus, for ever represent his Sacrifice, and glo∣rifie his Person, and advance his Reli∣gion, and be accepted of thee in her blessed Lord; that being filled with his Spirit, she may partake of his glory.

Have mercy upon us, &c.

Give the spirit of Government and Holiness to all Christian Kings, Princes and Governours: grant that their peo∣ple may obey them, and they may obey thee, and live in honesty and peace, ju∣stice and holy Religion, being Nursing∣fathers to the Church, Advocates for the oppressed, Patrons for the widows, and a Sanctuary for the miserable and the fa∣therless; that they may reign with thee for ever in the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus.

Have mercy upon us, &c.

Page  106 Give to thy Servants the Bishops, and all the Clergy, the Spirit of holiness and courage, of patience and humility, of prudence and diligence, to preach and declare thy will by a holy life and wise discourses; that they may minister to the good of Souls, and find a glorious re∣ward in the day of our Lord Jesus.

Have mercy npon us, &c.

Give to our Relatives [our Wives and Children, our Friends and Benefactors, our Charges, our Family, &c.] pardon and support, comfort in all their sor∣rows, strength in all temptations, the guard of Angels to preserve them from evil, and the conduct of thy holy Spirit to lead them into all good; that they do∣ing their duty, may feel thy mercies here, and partake of thy glories hereafter.

Have mercy upon us,&c.

Give to all Christian Kingdoms and Commonwealths peace and plenty, health and holy Religion; to all Fami∣lies of Religion and Nurseries of Piety zeal and holiness, prudence and unity, peace and contentedness; to all Schools of Learning quietness and industry, free∣dom Page  107 from wars and violence, factions and envy.

Have mercy upon us, &c.

Give to all married persons faith and love, charitable and wise compliances, sweetness of society and innocence of conversation; to all Virgins and Wi∣dows great love of Religion, a sober and a contented spirit, an unwearied atten∣dance to devotion and the offices of ho∣liness: protection to the fatherless, com∣fort to the disconsolate, patience and submission, health and spiritual advanta∣ges to the sick; that they may feel thy comforts for the days wherein they have suffered adversity.

Have mercy upon us, &c.

Be thou a star and a guide to them that travel by land or sea, the confidence and comfort of them that are in storms and shipwrecks, the strength of them that toil in the Mines and row in the Gallies, an instructer to the ignorant; to them that are condemned to die be thou a guide unto death: give chearfulness to every sad heart, spiritual strength and proportionable comfort to them that are Page  108 afflicted by evil spirits; pity the luna∣ticks, give life and salvation to all to whom thou hast given no understand∣ing, accept the stupid and the fools to mercy: give liberty to prisoners, re∣demption to captives, maintenance to the poor, patronage and defence to the oppessed, and put a period to the ini∣quity and to the miseries of all man∣kind.

Have mercy upon us, &c.

Give unto our enemies grace and par∣don, charity to us, and love to thee; take away all anger from them, and all mistakes from us, all mis-interpretations and jealousies; bring all sinners to re∣pentance and holiness, and to all thy Saints and Servants give an increasing love, and a persevering duty: bring all Turks, Jews and Infidels to the knowledge and confession of the Lord Jesus, and a participation of all the Promises of the Gospel, all the benefits of his Passion; to all Hereticks give hu∣mility and ingenuity, repentance of their errours, and grace and power to make amends to the Church and Truth, and a publick acknowledgment Page  109 of a holy faith, to the glory of the Lord Jesus.

Have mercy, &c.

Give to all Merchants faithfulness and truth; to the labouring husband∣man health and fair seasons of the year, and reward his toil with the dew of Heaven and the blessings of the earth; to all Artisans give diligence in their Callings, and a blessing on their labours and on their familes; to old men piety and perfect repentance, a liberal heart and an open hand, great Religion and desires after Heaven; to young men give sobriety and chastity; health and usefulness, an early piety and a perse∣vering duty; to all families visited with the rod of God give consolation, and a holy use of the affliction, and a speedy deliverance; to us all pardon and holiness, and life eternal, through Jesus Christ,


The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God, and the Communica∣tion of the Holy Spirit, be with us all for ever.

Page  110

A short Prayer to be said every Morning.


O Almighty God Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the God of mercy and comfort, with reverence and fear, with humble confidence and strong de∣sires, I approach to the throne of Grace, begging of thee mercy and protection, pardon and Salvation. O my God, I am a sinner, but sorrowful and repenting: Thou art justly offended at me, but yet thou art my Lord and my Father, mer∣ciful and gracious. Be pleased to blot all my sins out of thy remembrance, and heal my Soul that I may never any more sin against thee. Lord, open my eyes, that I may see my own infirmities, and watch against them; and my own follies, that I may amend them; and be pleased to give me perfect understanding in the way of godliness, that I may walk in it all the days of my pilgrimage. Give me a spirit diligent in the works of my cal∣ling, chearful and zealous in Religion, fervent and frequent in my prayers, cha∣ritable and useful in my Conversation. Page  111 Give me a healthful and a chast body, a pure and a holy Soul, a sanctified and an humble spirit; and let my body and Soul and spirit be preserved unblameable to the coming of the Lord Jesus.



BLessed by thy Name, O God, and blessed be thy Mercies, who hast pre∣served me this night from sin and sorrow, from sad chances and a violent death, from the malice of the Devil and the evil effects of my own corrupted nature and infirmity. The out-goings of the Morning and Evening shall praise thee, and thy Servants shall rejoyce in giving thee praise for the operation of thy hands. Let thy providence and care watch over me this day and all my whole life, that I may never sin against thee by idleness or folly, by evil company or private sins, by word or deed, by thought or desire; and let the imployment of my day leave no sorrow or the remembrance of an evil conscience at night; but let it be holy and profitable, blessed and always inn∣ocent; that when the days of my short abode are done, and the shadow is de∣parted, I may die in thy fear and favour, Page  112 and rest in a holy hope, and at last re∣turn to the joys of a blessed Resurrecti∣on, through Jesus Christ: in whose name, and in whose words in behalf of my self, and all my friends, and all thy Servants, I humbly and heartily pray, Our Father, &c.

A Prayer for the Evening.

ETernal God, Almighty Father of Men and Angels, by whose care and providence I am preserved and blessed, comforted and assisted, I humbly beg of thee to pardon the sins and follies of this day, the weaknesses of my servi∣ces and the strength of my passions, the rashness of my words and the vanity and evil of my actions. O just and dear God, how long shall I confess my sins, and pray against them, and yet fall un∣der them? O let it be so no more, let me never return to the follies of which I am ashamed, which bring sorrow and death, and thy displeasure worse than death. Give me a command over my evil inclinations, and a perfect hatred of sin, and a love to thee above all the desires of this world. Be pleased to Page  113 bless and preserve me this night from all sin, and all violence of Chance, and the malice of the spirits of darkness: Watch over me in my sleep, and whe∣ther I sleep or wake, let me be thy servant. Be thou first and last in all my thoughts, and the guide and continual assistance of all my actions. Pre∣serve my body, pardon the sin of my Soul, and sanctifie my spirit. Let me always live holily, and justly, and soberly; and when I die, receive my Soul into thine hands. O holy and ever blessed Jesus, that I may lie in thy bo∣som, and long for thy coming, and hear thy blessed Sentence at Doomsday, and behold thy face, and live in thy King∣dom, singing praises to God for ever and ever. Amen.

Our Father, &c.

For Sunday. A Prayer against Pride.


OEternal God, merciful and glorious, thou art exalted far above all hea∣vens; thy Throne, O God, is glory, and thy Scepter is righteousness, thy Will is holi∣ness, Page  114 and thy Wisdom the great founda∣tion of Empire and Government. I adore thy Majesty, and rejoyce in thy Mercy, and revere thy Power, and con∣fess all glory and dignity and honour to be thine alone, and theirs to whom thou shalt impart any ray of thy Majesty, or reflexion of thy honour: but as for me, I am a worm and no man, vile dust and ashes, the son of corruption and the heir of rottenness, seized upon by folly, a lump of ignorance and sin, and shame and death. What art thou, O Lord? The great God of Heaven and Earth, the Fountain of Holiness and Perfection in∣finite. But what am I? So ignorant, that I know not what; so poor, that I have nothing of my own; so miserable, that I am the heir of sorrow and death; and so sinful, that I am encompassed with shame and grief.


AND yet, O my God, I am proud; proud of my shame, glorying in my sin, boasting my infirmities; for this is all that I have of my own, save only that I have multiplied my miseries by vile actions, every day dishonouring the Page  115 work of thy hands: my understanding is too confident, my affections rebellious, my will refractory and disobedient; and yet I know thou resistest the proud, and didst cast the morning Stars, the Angels, from Heaven into chains of darkness, when they grew giddy and proud, walk∣ing upon the battlements of Heaven, be∣holding the glorious Regions that were above them.


THou, O God, who givest grace to the humble, do something also for the proud man; make me humble and obedient. Take from me the spirit of pride and hautiness, ambition and self∣flattery, confidence and gaiety: teach me to think well, and to expound all things fairly of my brother, to love his worthi∣ness, to delight in his praises, to excuse his errours, to give thee thanks for his graces, to rejoyce in all the good that he receives, and ever to believe and speak better things of him than of my self.

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O Teach me to love to be concealed and little esteem'd; let me be truly humbled, and heartily ashamed of my sin and folly: teach me to bear reproaches evenly, for I have deserved them; to refuse all honours done unto me, because I have not deserved them; to return all to thee, for it is thine alone; to suffer reproof thankful∣ly, to amend all my faults speedily: and do thou invest my Soul with the humble robe of my meek Master and Saviour Je∣sus; and when I have humbly, patiently, charitably and diligently served thee, change this robe into the shining gar∣ment of immortality, my confusion into glory, my folly to perfect knowledge, my weaknesses and dishonours to the strength and beauties of the Sons of God.


IN the mean time use what means thou pleasest to conform me to the image of thy holy Son; that I may be gentle to others, and severe to my self; that I may sit down in the lowest place, striving to go before my brother in nothing but in doing him and the honour, staying for Page  117 my glory till thou shalt please in the day of recompences to reflect light from thy face, and admit me to behold thy glo∣ries. Grant this for Jesus Christ's sake, who humbled himself to the death and shame of the Cross, and is now exalted unto glory: Unto him, with thee, O Fa∣ther, be glory and praise for ever and ever.


For Monday. A Prayer against Cove∣tousness.


O Almighty God, eternal Treasure of all good things, thou fillest all things with plenteousness; Thou clothest the lilies of the field, and fecdest the young ravens that call upon thee: Thou art all∣sufficient in thy self, and all-sufficient to us. Let thy providence be my store∣house, my dispensation of temporal things the limit of my labour, my own necessity the measures of my desire: but never let my desires of this world be greedy, nor my labour immoderate, Page  118 nor my care vexatious and distracting; but prudent, moderate, holy, subordinate to thy Will, the measure thou hast ap∣pointed for me.


TEach me, O God, to despise the world, to labour for the true rich∣es, to seek the Kingdom of Heaven and its Righteousness, to be content with what thou providest, to be in this world like a stranger, with affections set upon Heaven, labouring for and longing after the possessions of thy Kingdom; but ne∣ver suffer my affections to dwell below: but give me a heart compassionate to the poor, liberal to the needy, open and free in all my communications, without base ends, or greedy designs, or unworthy arts of gain; but let my strife be to gain thy favour, to obtain the blessedness of doing good to others, and giving to them that want, and the blessedness of receiving from thee pardon and support, grace and holiness, perseverance and glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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For Tuesday. A Prayer against Lust.


O Eternal Purity, thou art brighter than the Sun, purer than the An∣gels, and the Heavens are not clean in thy sight; with mercy behold thy ser∣vant, apt to be tempted with every ob∣ject, and to be overcome by every ene∣my. I cannot, O God, stand in the day of battel and danger, unless thou cover∣est me with thy shield, and hidest me under thy wings. The fiery darts of the Devil are ready to consume me, unless the dew of thy grace for ever descend upon me. Thou didst make me after thine image: be pleased to preserve me so, pure and spotless, chast and clean, that my body may be a holy Temple, and my Soul a Sanctuary to entertain thy divinest Spirit, the Spirit of love and holiness, the Prince of Purities.

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REprove in me the spirit of Fornica∣tion and Uncleanness, and fill my Soul with holy fires, that no strange fire may come into the Temple of my body, where thou hast chosen to dwell. O cast out all those unclean spirits which have unhallowed the place where thy holy feet have trod; pardon all my hurtful thoughts, all my impurities, that I, who am a member of Christ, may not become the member of an harlot, nor the slave of the Devil, nor a servant of lust and unworthy desires, but do thou purifie my love, and let me seek the things that are above, hating the garments spotted with the flesh, never any more grieving the holy spirit by filthy inclinations, with impure and phantastick thoughts; but let my thoughts be holy, my Soul pure, my body chast and healthful, my spirit severe, devout and religious every day more and more; that at the day of our appearing I may be presented to God washed and cleansed pure and spotless, by the blood of the holy Lamb, through Jesus Christ our Lord,

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For Wednesday. A Prayer against Gluttony and Drunkenness.


O Almighty Father of Men and An∣gels, who hast of thy great bounty provided plentifully for all mankind, to support his state, to relieve his necessi∣ties to refresh his sorrows, to recreate his labours, that he may praise thee, and rejoice in thy mercies and bounty; be thou gracious unto thy servant yet more, and suffer me not by my folly to change thy bounty into sin, thy grace into wan∣tonness. Give me the spirit of temperance and sobriety, that I may use thy creatures in the same measures and to the same purposes which thou hast designed, so as may best enable me to serve thee; but not to make provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof. Let me not, as Esau, prefer meat before a blessing; but sub∣due my appetite, subjecting it to reason and the grace of God, being content with what is moderate and useful, and easie Page  122 to be obtained, taking it in due time, receiving it thankfully, making it to mi∣nister to my body, that my body may be a good instrument of the Soul, and the Soul a Servant of thy Divine Ma∣jesty for ever and ever.


PArdon, O God, in whatsoever I have offended thee by meat and drink and pleasures; and never let my body any more be oppressed with loads of sloth and delicacies, or my Soul drowned in Seas of wine or strong drink: but let my appetites be changed into spiritual desires, that I may hunger after the food of Angels, and thirst for the wine of elect Souls, and may account it meat and drink and pleasure to do thy will, O God. Lord, let me eat and drink so, that my food may not become a temptation, or a sin, or a disease; but grant that with so much caution and prudence I may watch over my appetite, that I may in the strength of thy mercies and re∣freshments, in the light of thy counte∣nance, and in the paths of thy Com∣mandments, walk before thee all the days of my life acceptable ot thee in Page  123 Jesus Christ, ever advancing his honour, and being filled with his Spirit, that I may at last partake of his glory, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.


For Thursday. A Prayer against Envy.


O Most gracious Father, thou Spring of an eternal Charity, who hast so loved mankind, that thou didst open thy bosom, and send thy holy Son to convey thy mercies to us: and thou didst create Angels and Men, that thou mightest have objects to whom thou mightest communicate thy goodness: Give me grace to follow so glorious a precedent, that I may never envy the prosperity of any one, but rejoyce to honor him whom thou honourest, to love him whom thou lovest, to commend the vertuous, to dis∣cern the precious from the vile, giving honour to whom honour belongs; that I may go to Heaven in the noblest way of rejoycing in the good of others.

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O Dear God, never suffer the Devil to rub his vilest Leprosie of Envy upon me; never let me have the affecti∣ons of the desperate and damned; let it not be ill with me, when it is well with others: but let thy holy Spirit so over∣rule me for ever, that I may pity the afflicted, and be compassionate, and have a fellow-feeling of my brother's sor∣rows, and that I may as much as I can, promote his good, and give thee thanks for it, and rejoice with them that do re∣joice; never censuring his actions curst∣ly, nor detracting from his praises spite∣fully, nor upbraiding his infelicities ma∣liciously, but pleased in all things, which thou doest or givest; that I may then triumph in spirit when thy Kingdom is advanced, when thy Spirit rules, when thy Church is profited, when thy Saiuts rejoice, when the Devil's interest is de∣stroyed, truly loving thee, and truly lo∣ving my brother; that we may all toge∣ther join in the holy Communion of Saints, both here and hereafter, in the measures of grace and glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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For Friday. A Prayer against Wrath and inordinate Anger.


O Almighty Judge of Men and An∣gels, whose anger is always the mi∣nister of Justice, slow, but severe, not lightly arising, but falling heavily when it comes; give to thy servant a meek and a gentle spirit, that I also may be slow to anger, and easie to mercy and for∣giveness. Give me a wise and a con∣stant heart, that I may not be moved with every trifling mistake and inconsi∣derable accident in the conversation and entercourse of others, never be moved to an intemperate anger for any injury that is done or offered; let my anger ever be upon a just cause, measured with moderation and reason, expressed with charity and prudence, lasting but till it hath done some good, either upon my self or others.

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LOrd, let me be ever courteous, and easie to be intreated; never let me fall into a peevish or contentious spirit, but follow peace with all men, offering forgiveness, inviting them by courtesies, ready to confess my own errours, apt to make amends, and desirous to be recon∣ciled. Let no sickness or cross accident, no imployment or weariness, make me angry, or ungentle and discontent, or unthankful, or uneasie to them that mi∣nister to me; but in all things make me like unto the holy Jesus. Give me the spirit of a Christian, charitable, humble, merciful and meek, useful and liberal, complying with every chance; angry at nothing but my own sins, and grieving for the sins of others: that while my passion obeys my reason, and my reason is religious, and my religion is pure and undefiled, managed with humility, and adorned with charity, I may escape thy anger which I have deserved, and may dwell in thy love, and be thy Son and Servant for ever, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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For Saturday. A Prayer against weariness in well-doing.


O My God, merciful and gracious, my Soul groans under the loads of its own infirmity, when my spirit is wil∣ling, my flesh is weak, my understanding foolish and imperfect, my will peevish & listless, my affections wandering after strange objects, my fancy wild and un∣fixed, all my senses minister to folly and vanity; and though they were all made for Religion, yet they least of all delight in that. O my God, pity me, and hear me when I pray, and make that I may pray acceptably. Give me a love to Re∣ligion, an unwearied spirit in the things of God. Let me not relish or delight in the things of the world, in sensual ob∣jects and transitory possessions; but make my eyes look up to thee, my Soul be filled with thee, my spirit ravished with thy love, my understanding imployed in the meditation of thy Law, all my Page  128 powers and faculties of Soul and Body wholly serving thee, and delighting in such holy ministeries.


O Most glorious God, what greater favour is there than that I may, and what easier imployment can there be than to pray to thee, to be admitted to thy presence, and to represent our needs, and that we have our needs supplied on∣ly for asking and desiring passionately and humbly? But we rather quit our hopes of Heaven, than buy it at the cheapest rate of humble prayer. This, O God, is the greatest infirmity and in∣felicity of man, and hath an intolerable cause, and is an insufferable evil.


O Relieve my spirit with thy graci∣ousness, take from me all tedious∣ness of spirit, and give me a laboriousness that will not be tired, a hope that shall never fail, a desire of holiness not to be satisfied till it possesses, a charity that will always increase; that I, making Re∣ligion the business of my whole life, may turn all things into Religion, doing all Page  129 to thy glory, and by the measures of thy Word and of thy Spirit, that when thou shalt call me from this deliciousness of imployment, and the holy mysteries of Grace, I may pass into the imployment of Saints and Angels, whose work it is with eternal joy and thanksgiving to sing praises to the mercies of the great Redeemer of Men, and Saviour of Men and Angels, Jesus Christ our Lord: To whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and worship, all service and thanks, all Glory and Do∣minion, for ever and ever.


A Prayer to be said by a Mai∣den, before she enters into the state of Marriage.


O Most glorious God, and my most indulgent Lord and gracious Father, who dost bless us by thy bounty, pardon us by thy mercy, support and guide us by thy grace, and govern us sweetly by thy providence; I give thee most hum∣ble and hearty thanks, that thou hast hi∣therto Page  130 preserved me in my Virgin-state with innocence and chastity in a good name and a modest report. It is thy goodness alone, and the blessed emana∣tion of thy holy Spirit, by which I have been preserved; and to thee I return all praise and thanks, and adore and love thy goodness infinite.


AND now, O Lord, since by thy dispensation and over-ruling pro∣vidence I am to change my condition, and enter into the holy state of Marri∣age, which thou hast sanctified by thy In∣stitution, and blessed by they Word and Promises, and raised up to an excellent mystery, that it might represent the Uni∣on of Christ and his Church; be pleased to go along with thy servant in my en∣tring into and passing through this state, that it may not be a state of temptation or sorrow, by occasion of my sins or in∣firmities, but of holiness and comfort, as thou host intended it to all that love and fear thy holy Name.

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LOrd, bless and preserve that dear person whom thou hast chosen to be my Husband: let his life be long and blessed, comfortable and holy; and let me also become a great blessing and comfort unto him, a sharer in all his joys, a refreshment in all his sorrows, a meet helper for him in all accidents and chances of the world. Make me amia∣ble for ever in his eyes, and very dear to him. Unite his heart to me in the dear∣est union of love and holiness, and mine to him in all sweetness, and charity, and compliance. Keep from me all morosity and ungentleness, all sullenness and harshness of disposition, all pride and va∣nity, all discontentedness aud unreason∣ableness of passion and humonr: and make me humble and obedient, chari∣table and loving, patient and contented, useful and observant; that we may de∣light in each other according to thy blessed word and Ordinance, and both of us may rejoyce in thee, having our portion in the love and service of God for ever and ever.

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O Blessed Father, never suffer any mistakes or discontent, any distrust∣fulness or sorrow, any trifling arrests of fancy or unhandsom accident, to cause any unkindness between us: but let us so dearly love, so affectionately observe, so religiously attend to each other's good and content, that we may always please thee, and by this learn and practise our duty and greatest love to thee, and be∣come mutual helps to each other in the way of Godliness; that when we have received the blessings of a married life, the comforts of society, the endearments of a holy and great affection, and the dowry of blessed Children, we may for ever dwell together in the embraces of thy love and glories, feasting in the Marriage-supper of the Lamb to eternal ages, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Amen, Amen.

A Prayer for a holy and a happy Death.

O Eternal and Holy Jesus, who by death hast overcome death, and by Page  133 thy passion hast taken out its sting, and made it to become one of the gates of Heaven, and an entrance to felicity, have mercy upon me now and at the hour of my death: let thy grace accompany me all the days of my life, that I may by a holy conversation, and an habitual per∣formance of my duty, wait for the coming of our Lord, and be ready to enter with thee, at whatsoever hour thou shalt come. Lord, let not my death be in any sense unprovided, nor untimely, nor hasty, but after the manner of men, having in it no∣thing extraordinary, but an extraordi∣ry piety, and the manifestation of a great and miraculous mercy. Let my sense and my understanding be preserved intire till the last of my days, and grant that I may die the death of the righteous, free from debt and deadly sin: having first discharged all my obligations of ju∣stice, leaving none miserable and unpro∣vided in my departure; but be thou the portion of all my friends and relatives, and let thy blessing descend upon their heads, and abide there till they shall meet me in the bosom of our Lord. Preserve me ever in the communion and peace of the Church; and bless my Death-bed Page  134 with the opportunity of a holy and a spiritual Guide, with the assistance and guard of Angels, with the reception of the holy Sacrament, with patience and dereliction of my own desires, with a strong faith, and a firm and humbled hope, with just measures of repentance, and great treasures of charity to thee my God and to all the world, that my Soul in the arms of the holy Jesus may be de∣posited with safety and joy, there to ex∣pect the revelation of thy day, and then to partake the glories of thy Kingdom, O eternal and holy Jesus.
