A tryall of the nevv-church vvay in New-England and in old ... by that learned and godly minister of Christ, John Ball of Whitmore ; penned a little before his death and sent over to the New England ministers, anno 1637, as a reply to an answer of theirs in justification of the said positions ... ; now published ... by William Rathband and Simeon Ash.
Ball, John, 1585-1640., Rathband, William, d. 1695., Ashe, Simeon, d. 1662. Letter of many ministers in old England requesting the judgement of their reverend bretheren in New England.

Answer 3 Consideration.

CIrcumcision and the Passoever were to be administred onely to the members of the Church. Ergo, Baptisme and the Lords Supper is so to be administred also. The consequence is made good by the parity of these Ordinances. For if the Argu∣ment hold strong for the proofe of Paedo-Baptisme which is taken from the circum∣cision of Infants, why may we not as well infer a necessity of Church membership to Baptisme, from the necessity of it to circumcision. And that Circumcision was pecu∣liar to the Church members of the Church, may appeare in that persons circumcised, & onely they, might eat the Passeover, and they onely might enter into the Temple,* which were the priviledges of Church members. In our answer to the second Objection against the first consideration we have shewed that Circumcision was not administred to all that were under the Covenant of Grace (which all believers were) but onely such of them as joy∣ned themselves to the Church,* at first in Abrahams family, whereunto Baptisme doth so far answer that the Apostle counteth these expresse equiva∣lent to be circumcised in Christ with circumcision made without hands,* and to be buried with Christ in Baptisme. Indeed, in some∣things they differ as onely the Males were circumcised, whereas with us Females are also baptized. The Reason is because God hath limited Circumcision to the Males, but under the Gospel, that difference is taken away. Againe, Circumcision was ad∣ministred in the private family; but Baptisme, onely in the publick Assemblies of the Church. The Reason of this difference is, because they were bound to circum∣cise the Males on the eighth day, but that could not stand with going to the Tem∣ple which was too far off, for the purpose, to bring every child thither from all parts of Judaea to be Circumcised the eighth day. Nor had they alway opportu∣nity of a solemne convention in the Synagogue on every eighth day; when some Page  37 child or other might be to be circumcised. But there is no precise day set downe for Baptisme, nor are opportunities of publick Assemblies so remote where Churches are kept in a congregationall frame, but that every first day of the week Baptisme may be administred if it be required. Again, for the Aforesaid Reason, Circumcision required not a peculiar Minister (for ought we finde in Scripture) but it is not so in Baptisme, as was shewd in the second Consideration. But no good Reason can be given, why, in this they should not both agree viz. that they are both to be dispen∣sed onely to members of the visible Church, as it hath been proved in the first Con∣sideration.