Saints no smiters, or, Smiting civil powers not the work of saints being a treatise, shewing the doctrine and atempts of Quinto-Monarchians, or, Fifth-Monarchy-Men about smiting powers, to be damnable and antichristian
Tombes, John, 1603?-1676.

§ 13. The smiting work of Quinto-Monarchians is grounded on falsities, or uncertainties concerning the agents, means and time of smiting mentioned, Dan▪ 2. 34. 44, 45.

HItherto I have prosecuted those arguments against the Quinto-Monarchians doctrine and practise which shew it to be damnable and Antichristian in respect of the act it self of smiting civil powers; I shall add further more arguments against them, shewing the falsity and uncertainty of those grounds and principles, on which their de∣terminations concerning separation from & smiting of civil powers rest. The first whereof is, that afore the Fifth-Monarchy be set up, and in order thereto, afore Christs coming all civil powers, that are now extant as part of the fourth Monarchy, are to be disannulled. Which hath no foundation but in their own fancy, or hatred of the civil powers as withstanding their design. For it is said, Revel. 17. 16, 17. That the Kings, which formerly supported

Babylon shall hate the Whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their Kingdom unto the Beast, until Page  67 the words of God be fulfilled, and Revel. 18. 9.
It is said, That the Kings of the earth, who have committed fornication, and lived deliciously with her, shall be wail her and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning: which shewes, that Kings, even those that have joyned with Babylon, shall remain after her fall, yea and some Kings shall be the instruments of her destruction. And the Apostle 1 Cor. 15. 24. tells us, Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the Kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all Rule and all Authority and Power. Which words plainly intimate that afore the end, when Christ shall deliver up the Kingdom to God even the Father, all Rule and Authority and Power shall not be put down. Which may be also gathered from Revel. 11. 15. where it is said,
And the seventh Angel sounded, and there were great voices in Heaven saying, the Kingdoms of the world are become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever,
which is said v. 18. To be the time of the dead that they should be judged; and therefore till that time there shall be the Kingdoms of this world, and consequently civil powers.

A second is, That civil powers are to be dissolved by men. Whereas this is still asserted in Scripture as Gods prerogative, that the most High ruleth in the Kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, Dan. 4. 25. 32. 34, 35. and 5. 21. And even in the business of the fourth Monarchy, the stone that is said to smite the image upon his feet, is said to be cut out of the mountain without hands, Dan. 2. 34. 45. which is more likely to be meant of Christ, who was cut without hands out of the mountain, that is, without natural generation as o∣ther men, whether by the Mountain be meant Eternity, or Hea∣ven, or the Roman Empire, or the Universe of human kind, as I conceive, then of any other man or men. And if it be meant of the Kingdom, as v. 44. doth expound it, that it shall break in pieces and consume all these Kingdoms, it must be meant in respect of Christ the King, whose dominion is set up by the God of Heaven, and not by men, and therefore take it any way agreeable to the Text, the stones breaking in pieces and consuming all the Kingdoms must not be expoun∣ded of Subjects, now calling themselves Saints, destroying civil powers, to which they are subject.

A third is, That men shall dissolve civil powers by fighting with swords, which is very false: For the stone that smote the Image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth; which if it be understood of Christs spiritual Kingdom, it smote the Image by preaching the Go∣spel, by which the power of the Idols, who ruled in those Kingdoms, Page  68 was cast down, and by it the stone became a great mountain and filled the whole earth; if it be meant of smiting hereafter, it is to be, as 2 Thes. 2. 8. it is said, that wicked one the Lord shall consume with the spi∣rit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming; or if it be meant of the Saints, as Mr. Thomas Parker conceives,

they are thus cut out by professed separation and victorious exemp∣tion without hands, that is, by the only power and finger of Al∣mighty God,
as it is interpretted, Dan. 2. v. 44, 45. Thus, saith he in his Exposition of that Vision,
they began to be cut out anno 1160 in the Waldenses, and continue so unto this day. And the extraordinary hand of God was seen therein, as the strange ari∣sing, growth, prevailing of them doth manifestly declare. But their absolute cutting out an exemption from the power of Anti∣christ, is that which is to be expected at the term of the slaughter of the two Prophets: when their rising by the power alone of God Almighty, without the help of man is thus described, Revel. 11. 11. And after three daies and an half, the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them that saw them: & they ascended up to Heaven in a Cloud, and their enemies beheld them. And the same hour was there a great Earth-quake, and the tenth part of the City fell, and in the Earth-quake were slain of men, or names of men
(as in the Greek expounded by Mr. Mede, men of name) seven thousand, presently after which it followes, The Kingdoms of the world, are become the Kingdoms of the Lord and his Christ. Now be the Earth-quake, as Mr. Mede thinks, a great commotion of the Nations, and alteration of Politique Affairs, or some thing else, it is caused by Gods power either without man, or only by the witnesses and their testimony, and if the falling, and slaughter thereby be in whole, or in part, the smiting of the Stone, Dan. 2. 34. 44, 45. (as it is proba∣ble) it is not by fighting, sure not by such as overthrowes civil powers; for they shall be altered and be instrumental to destroy Babylon, Revel. 17. 16, 17. And therefore this (which is the hinge on which the smiting work of Quinto-Monarchians turns) being ve∣ry uncertain, or rather very false, all their inferences thereupon must of necessity be groundless and unwarrantable.

A fourth is, that the smiting work ascribed to the Stone, shall be by the Saints, even those who are private persons, and that the civil powers shall be smitten by them, to which they are subject, But for this they ha∣ving nothing but an obscure prophecy to rely upon, and it not agreeing with plain precepts, which forbid resistence to the higher Page  69 powers that are, this their impious Collection is deservedly to be exploded and detested.

A fifth is, that this smiting work shall be done by the Saints afore Christs coming, and in preparation thereto. But this agrees not with the Apostles words 1 Cor. 15. 24. where it is made Christs work to put down all Rule, and all Authority and Power, which will not be till the end, and then Christ, or his Father shall put all his enemies under his feet, which cannot be the work of the Saints. For one of the enemies is death v. 26. which none in his wits will say can be de∣stroyed by Quinto-Monarchian Saints; they perhaps may bring death on themselves and others, but sure they cannot destroy death, who cannot raise from the dead. Besides the scripture makes the coming of Christ and his Kingdom comtemporary 2. Tim. 4. 1. therefore not to be effected by the Saints on earth, by any prepa∣ratory work of theirs.

A sixth uncertainty or falsehood, which moves them to so much zeal for their smiting work, is, that they have fancied it to be the work of the present generation, which Mr. Tillinghast much insists on in his Sermon on Matth. 16. 3. concerning the signs of the times; but up∣on how slender reasons may be shewed in what followes: sure when our Lord Christ made the time of his coming unknown to Angels and the son of man, and known only to the Father, Mark 13. 32. he would have us not be curious to know it, but watch, that we be not surprised by it. And sith after all the labours of the learnedst and most prying inquisitors all the Prophetical numbers about this thing of the ruin of Babylon, and Christs personal Kingdom on earth have been so uncertainly calculated, that mens expectations have been deluded, it is great rashness for any to pitch on a cer∣tain year or age, much more to attempt such audacious and horrid things, as the smiting of civil powers in a preposterous way which attempt of theirs becomes the more inexcusable, in that their own writing entituled, The Banner of truth displayed, shewed their uncertainty, and unresolvedness both in the manner, extent and time of this smiting work. For whereas they apply that of Dan. 2. 34, 35. 44, 45. concerning

the stones smiting of the great Image so that the Iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold was broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the sommer threshing-floors, and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them:
unto the Saints, even Gentile Saints smiting of all parts of the fourth Monarchy, all the civil pow∣ers of Europe, which they count Roman, Babylon, and Antichristian, yet Page  70 p. 40, 41. they make
the conversion of the ten horns, Rev. 17. 16, 17. to be one gradation of the stones growth, which although they would not have to be the present powers of the ten horns, nor yet multitudes of people in the ten horns, but some out of all the ten horns, whom the Lord will have mercy on, shall be cho∣sen by Christ, in which respect it is said the ten horns; yet they ad∣mit that the powers of the ten horns (which the text expresly v. 12. 13. terms ten Kings, which had received then no Kingdom, but receive power as Kings one hour with the Beast, who have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast, and are according to them part of the fourth Monarchy to be utterly de∣stroyed) shall be subdued by the Saints; and as now they are An∣tichristian, and fight for the Beast against the Lamb, so shall they become Christians, and fighters for the Lamb against the Beast,
which is utterly inconsistent with the
being broken in pieces to∣gether by the stones smiting, so as to become like the chaff of the sommer threshing-floor, and the wind carry them away, that no place be found for them, if the stones smiting them be their sub∣duing by the Saints.
And for the time of the beginning of their smiting work, which p. 46. they make
the ending time of the mysti∣cal numbers spoken of by Daniel and John for the accomplish∣ment of those great things which God hath declared by the mouth of all his holy Prophets to be brought to pass in these la∣ter daies, Dan. 12. 11. Rev. 11. 2, 3. 12. 6. and 13. 5.
which they make a
great argument and quickning motive to the Saints to look about them, and for the stone to arise and smite the com∣pleated Image, and break in pieces the iron teeth of the rave∣nous beast, that so deliverance may be brought, they grant, this thing which they lay down as a call to the stone is doubtful to most, and p. 47. tell us, that in this particular their judgment and opinion do most accord with Mr. Tillinghast his Calculation, according to which those things named & spoken of to come to pass at the end of those numbers, would in all likelyhood have their accom∣plishment together with the said numbers the year of Christ 1656.
But the event disproving it, they will not engage further therein, but set down other signs, which are signs only from themselves, and not from any divine revelation, and yet p. 52. conclude,
This pre∣sent generation in which we live is the ending time of those my∣stical numbers forementioned, & the expiring time of Antichrist, wherein God will begin to put a period to the Beasts tyranny and powers: And therefore cannot but assert, that the consideration Page  71 of these things is a great call and motive to the stone to arise, and be doing, which work we call the fifth Kingdom in its first dispen∣spensation, preparing way for the second and more glorious dis∣pensation; But after mentioning the compleat and effectual call that the stone shall have to be a clear light into that time it shall smite, and into the work of that time, together with power from on high, whereby it shall be emboldened and fitted to smite as afore∣said; and also a fit and leading providence or opportunity pre∣paring way for its breaking forth, with these golden characters of power, wisdom and glory:
and then adding some examples of Gods former providence, they say,
let the stone wait for the ac∣complishment of these particulars afore it smite, & add their hum∣ble conceit, & then mind those who at present are the gainsayers and imbittered opposers (of this work, and yet hope and believe they are godly) of this their faith and hope, lest they split themselves upon this stone, becoming their rock of offence, and so their bo∣dies and lives perish upon such an account in this day of common calamity that hasteth upon the whole world.
By which may be perceived their uncertainties in that, which they call their faith and hope, wherein those whom they believe to be godly oppose them, and their violence of spirit beyond all sobriety in moving persons so earnestly to that smiting work in this age upon no bet∣ter grounds than their own conjecture, though they foresaw it would bring common calamity, and the bodies and lives of godly persons perish by reason of their opposition to this Stone, which shewes they were resolved to smite all that stood in their way though godly, as it fell out in the year 1660. Mr. Tillinghast in his first Ser∣mon p. 26. saith, the work of Christs Kingdom, the glorious beginning of it, shall be about the time of the Jewes coming in, and p. 39. saith, the Lord make us wait on him for his own time, and yet, Serm. 3. gives signes of its being near even in this generation, which he makes it the duty of Saints to observe, though not one of the signes is from any Revelation of God, but from things which may happen and have without such signification, as he would put upon them. I omit what Mr. Mede in his letter to Arch-Bishp Usher, and in other writings and many others write of the mystical numbers in Daniel and in the Revelation, which I would not have slighted so as to give * no heed to them, it being not in vain, that the Holy Ghost hath delivered them to us: only this I conceive it very dangerous and unsafe to make them the warrant or motive to such an attempt, as the smiting of civil powers, or the beginning of any War against the Page  72 known Rules of scripture and Lawes of civil Government, it being in it self wicked, shewing bitter furious zeal without the wisedome from above, and likely hereafter, as it hath done formerly to others, to bring destruction of soul and body on the agents, and much mi∣sery on others whether opponents or neuters.