Saints no smiters, or, Smiting civil powers not the work of saints being a treatise, shewing the doctrine and atempts of Quinto-Monarchians, or, Fifth-Monarchy-Men about smiting powers, to be damnable and antichristian
Tombes, John, 1603?-1676.
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BY Divine Providence declared in my Writings upon His Majesties return into this Kingdom, I was engaged in the asserting the Oath of His Ma∣jesty's Supremacy, which drew upon me a necessity of arguing the point of taking any Oath at all, in somewhat an ample Treatise about Swearing, which being presented to him it pleased His Majesty to accept of. Since which time I have employed much of my study in a Trea∣tise of the Kingdom of God, and the seeking it: But having made some entrance into it, and finding it Page  [unnumbered] likely to become too large for the end intended, to wit, the undeceiving of those, who under pretence of setting up the Kingdom of God, think it their duty to demolish all present Powers as Antichristian, they being persons averse from reading any thing that is prolix, I have chosen rather to cut this part out of the whole piece, than to stay the finishing of the rest. Such as it is I presume to present it to your Honour, (in humble gratitude for that voluntary unthought of favour towards me, which moved you of your own accord and goodness to insinuate to His Majesty your ancient knowledge, and later apprehensions of me, by which means I have enjoyed that peace, which is through His Majesties goodness yet vouchsafed me) which I humbly crave your Honour to accept of from

Your Honours devoted, and deeply obliged Servant in our Lord, JOHN TOMBES.