Ortho-methodoz itro-chymikē: or the direct method of curing chymically Wherein is conteined [sic] the original matter, and principal agent of all natural bodies. Also the efficient and material cause of diseases in general. Their therapeutick way and means. I. Diætetical, by rectifying eating, drinking, &c. II. Pharmaceutick. 1. By encreasing and supporting the vital spirits. 2. By pacifying and indulging them. 3. By defacing or blotting out the idea of diseases by proper specificks. Lastly, by removing the extimulating or occasional cause of maladies. To which is added, The art of midwifery chymically asserted. The character of an ortho-cymist, and pseudochymist. A description of the sanative virtues of our stomach-essence. Also, giawo-mempsiz: or a just complaint of the method of the Galenists. By George Thomson, M.D.
Thomson, George, 17th cent.
Page  181

〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉: OR A just Complaint of the Deceitful, Dangerous and Pernicious Method or Way of Curing, obstinately insisted upon by the Galenists at this day, when a far better means is found out by the Philosophical Chymists: Also the Advantage or Benefit arising from a Legitimate Learned Colledge established by Authority: Moreover, an Invitation to the Gale∣nists to become Ortho-Chymists.

TO offend, when a man, neither knows nor is taught better, deserves Pity. To act amiss through an Importunate Imperfection, with an earnest desire to reform, argues Ingenuity, and a Noble Spirit: But wilfully to persist in a Capital Errour, to the Ruine of aur Neighbour, when one is Advertised thereof, and may have better things indigitated to the Senses, makes one guilty of abo∣minable Wickedness.

The time was 26 years past, that following those Dogmatical Rules received from Antiquity, I did help for two or three years to fatten the Churchyard, howsoever with many anxious thoughts, much regret and checks of my Soul, that I neither did, nor could tell how to perform my Duty with more ability in this Weighty pro∣fession. So disquieted was I night and day upon consideration (how being sent for in the beginning of an Acute Evil I suffered a young Man in the ve∣ry 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 or Flower of his Strength to be cut off for Page  182 want of due Medicinal Provision) that I resolved to take some other course of life, to get a Subsistence, rather than thus Conscious of my own Insufficien∣cy, to be accessary to the Death of my Patients: Yea I did believe, persevering in this common road of Malepractice, I might contract the guilt of plain Homicide, to the utter undoing my Soul. Thus, after many an Agony or Conflict of Spirit, I fell off by little and little from that great Dictators Me∣thod and Pharmacie (reputed by me at first Ora∣cular.)

Having acquired some Furniture of ordinary Chymical Medicaments, I exhibited them though with a trembling Hand and Heart (partly through Prejudice, partly through fear of being Adultera∣ted) to those tired out with long Sickness, as the Scurvie, Qartane, Hypocondriak Passions, &c. yet with a success happy beyond my expectation.

The Galenical Doctrine becoming at first suspect∣ed, and at length less reputed, incited by my Tu∣tor and another Friend, an excellent Chymist, I was fully bent without wavering to purchase Van Helmont (one formerly slighted by me for inveigh∣ing without cause as I foolishly thought against the Schools) to read him intirely, impartially with a single Eye, and a Marginal Note.

In the upshot, after a serious rumination of those Physical Verities relating to the Radical Essence and Cure of Diseases communicated by this incom∣parable Searcher into Nature, I forthwith took out a new Lesson of Theory and Practice, renoun∣cing my former mistakes, imploring an Influence from Heaven that I might be farther informed.

Wherefore nauseating a Hundred Treatises of Feavers and other 〈…〉 nothing but Page  183 Cramben millies coctam, the same obsolete stuff over and over, I rid my self of the Impediments or lug∣gage of a fruitless Library, wholy addicting my self to the Lecture of Initia Physicae inaudita, and other of the most Authentick Authors, coadjuvant to the un∣derstanding of the more obscure places delivered by our Philosopher. Then according to his Advice I bought Glasses, erected Furnaces, fell to labour with my own hands, prepared according to his general direction the Materia Medica, which I first took in∣to my own body for Tryal, afterward tendred it to my Patients. In this manner making a progress twenty years compleat from that time to this.

Having maturely received a farther Illumination and Confirmation of the solid Principles of Chymi∣cal Physiologie, and the rotten Foundation of the Galenical, abominating Bleeding (as rightly sta∣ted) uncorrected Purgatives, &c. I have with convincing predictions been able, Auspice Deo, to relieve the Calamities, Languors, and grievous Wounds of poor Mortals, to the infinite satisfacti∣on of my own Spirit. A proof whereof I have ten∣dered to Dr. Willis, Dr. Merret, Dr. Goddard, and divers others of our London Colledge; and am now ready to make good by Fact in a publick Ho∣spital or private Families, that the Galenical De∣sign of Healing is Fraudulent, Dangerous and Deadly: As likewise that our rightly Instituted Fabrick of Pharmacy, with the Method of dis∣pensing and distributing it, is Upright, Safe and Sanative: withal, that those Allegations of ex∣cessive preternatural Heat, Virulency, Violence, consuming the Humidum Radicale, or shortning the Life, imputed to our Remedies, are Malicious Slanders, False Accusations, Detractions, Cavils, Page  184 and subtil Devises contrived by these Traders in Men's Skins, on purpose to keep up their Inte∣rest, though Myriads perish.

Any but one obstinate, rash, self-conceited, will judge Charitably of my proceedings in this kind, sith deserting the Galenical usual manner of prescribing I incurred the displeasure, yea, ha∣tred of most Apothecaries, a dis-repute among the Galenical Chirurgeons, because I condemn Phlebotomy, and the common way of Healing Wounds, Sores, &c. The rash, Incogitant cen∣sures, and Raillery of Midwives, Nurses, or such like Creatures, with the Huffings, sibs, te∣pulses of Fortunes Favourites; and the Abuses, Sarcasms, opprobrious Language of the ruder sort. Moreover, hereby I haue lost my Ease, outward Applause, Riches and Honours, and many secu∣lar Respects, laid hold by the Galenists in Oliver's Days, and since, without the least touch or scru∣ple of 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉.

Besides upon Consideration, that had I then plaid my Game Craftily (which I could easily have done as well as the best of them) I should have enjoyed no less Temporal Advantages than they. But seeing I had more sublime thoughts, esteeming nothing too dear, so that I might attain the Gift of Healing, as I ought: Therefore in all Equity and Reason I ought to be listned to, who request nothing more than that the Helmontian Doctrine (which I assert) may be accepted, so far as I can make it appear true by repeated Ex∣periments.

Once more I shall entreat those Learned Gale∣nists, they would be pleased, out of Respect to their own Souls, Commiseation to miserable Mor∣tals, Page  185 for the Dignity, Glory, and Promotion of this Divine Science, to put a stop to their profuse Effusion of Blood, Consumption of the strength of the Body by tabefying Purgations, withal to abandon fruitless, cooling Julebs, Pusillanimous Cordials, Poysonous Vesicatories.

If the Galenists (whose Estimation I should ab∣hor to blemish, did not the Life of Man stand in Competition) still persist to deny me this kind∣ness, of explaining things as they are in themselves, they will constrain me to set forth a Catalogue of those Patients, with the Names of the Physitians attending them, whom (as I'le make appear by Analogism, Examples, or Instances agreeing (in every respect possible to the Type of the Disease Ordered by them) they have sent packing into the other World. If they can as justly accuse me, producing the same Evidence, that I am guilty of such indirect Practice (these 16 years I have here resided in London) I shall willingly submit to be severely Animadverted. Moreover, I shall de∣tect what a Considerable number of Sick brought to the brink of the Grave by their Galenical Or∣ders (some whereof I have urged to try further, if they were able to relieve them) utterly despair∣ing of their Recovery, Divine Goodness hath Cu∣red by his weak Spagyrical Agent.

I hope his Majesty, for the Love he bears to Chymical Truth, the Benefit redounding thereby to himself, and his Subjects, out of a kindness to one, who sincerely and Constantly suffered for his Royal Father, will indulge this Honest, Profitable Enterprize so far, that if I can make good to the Senses, that our Philosophical way is able (accor∣ding to Judicious Providence and Predictions) Page  186 to preserve his Subjects in Health of Body and Mind, to prevent mischiefs to come, and to re∣store them to Sanity, better than formerly, for many Centuries past: Withall if it can be proved plainly by iterated Essays, and Equal Tryals, that the Galenical, and Galeno-Chymical Method is an Imperfect, Palliating, Treacherous, and Pernici∣ous means to overcome, or eradicate any great fixed Malady, will be pleased to Erect a Learned Chymical Society, which may be a President to Foreign Nations to imitate; for which, present and Future Ages will be bound to bless him.

The admirable Commodity and Benefits ac∣cring to Mankind by this Heroick Enterprize of a Chymical Colledge, are sufficient to move the Magistrate to force these Anti-Chymists to desist from their Evil Practice.

1. Religious. 2. Moral. 3. Political. 4. Me∣dicinal. 5. Mechanical.

I should not question by means of wholsome Chymical Physick to make Men of more sound 〈◊〉 Religion. Atheism, Hypoctisie, Prophaness, Debauchery, might in some measure be lessened, quailed, and restrained, by power of a Mastring Discipline of the Intellectual Soul made more apt to understand the Truth of things, by means of the Organs of the Body, Blood, and Spirits well Clarified.

By Virtue of our Hermetick Physick, the Head, Heart, and Hands of Hierophants, might be pu∣rified▪ Their Exemplary Dumb and Deaf Preach∣ing up of Vice throughout all the World, be Cor∣rected▪ Circumstances and Punctilio's in Religi∣on lovingly, calmly proposed, debated, and Ac∣cepted▪ And those fierce Eager Altercations about Adiphora laid aside.

Page  187By the powerful Operation of this 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 Quakers, Catabaptists, Independents, Separatists, Schismaticks, and multitudes of Phanaticks, might be brought to more Integrity of mind in Religion, be reclaimed far better than by any rigid Persecu∣ting-Course whatsoever.

We should Entertain more frequent serious Contemplation, or Divine Idea's of a Future World, were not our Bodies consequently our Souls clouded by black Hypochondriack Meeors, and depraved by bad Physick.

In my Minority I have been a little amazed to hear the Religion of Physitians indifferently, yea, slightingly, Ironically spoken of: So that I have not without some indignation, Vindicated it; per∣swading my self, that there were many, who, like Dr. Brown, were able to assert it practically. But coming to greater Maturity in the Observa∣tion of Things, I found, for the most part, that really True, which before I apprehended was pre∣cipitately spoken by the vulgar. For I dare averr, if a Man may judge of a Tree by it's Fruits, or of the Nature of any Corporeal Existent by Signa∣tures, Impresses, and Accidents, Products, Phae∣nomena, and Effects; so certainly may a Man censure most of the Galenical Tribe, sitting to be Ranked among Plato's Classes of Atheistical, Hy∣pocritical Wretches; not only Poysoning others by their Deletery, virulent, intoxicating Physick, but also by their 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 their Profane, Loose, voluptuous, Intemperate, Covetous, Proud, Blasphemous behaviour, both in word and deed, and most Obstinate, Active, Perseverance in their Lethiferous Method of Curing.

How in Truth can it be otherwise, sith their Page  188 Minds are Corrupted by their malignant Physick, Through the want of a True Benign mundifier of their Vitals.

Besides, how is it possible they should be ac∣quainted in the least mith a Deity, who are so grosly ignorant of the Aitiologie of things in Na∣ture. Needs must they be stone Blind as to any right apprehension of an Omnipotent Creator, a Wise Supporter, Disposer; and Governor of all things: Sith their Understanding is so extremely to seek concerning the Material, Efficient Cause of all Cor∣poreal Beings. How can they who are so much mistaken concerning the Essence of Fire, approach him infinitely transcending any consuming Fire.) How is it possible they should have any Understan∣ding of the Father of Lights, who know not whe∣ther Light be Accident or a Substance. Had they been better acquainted with Nature, the first Mo∣ver of all things, would have Communicated himself more clearly. Now, sith they have wil∣fully blinded themselves through Vile Interest, at the presence of that which is obvious to the Sen∣ses, 'tis but just they should continue in Cimmerian Darkness, without the true Discovery of things invisible. It hath been a Curse upon the Galenists 1600 Years, not to be capable to Cure Radicated Diseases, because they slighted him who is the great Healer of all our Infirmities, Nam Deus cre∣avit Medicum non Homo. This considered, 'tis no wonder they are thus accused of Atheism.

If so, the only way to make them Religious Pro∣selytes, and to bring them to 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 is to convince them of their Errors in Philosophy, to demonstrate how miserably they are out of the way of Curing their own, as well as others Evils.

Page  189What imperfect, yea hurtful means they use to remedie their own Laesam Imaginationem by Bleed∣ing, Tabefying, Colliquating, Carharticks and duil Cordials, &c. and to indicare to them Ortho-Metho∣dus fanandi Chymica, that there may be an 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 in the Stomach, Spleen and other parts, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 a purity in the Blood, and an 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 a firm Activity in the Spirits: thus the Soul obtaining compleat Organs, will act as it ought (for aceor∣ding to Galen, Animi Actiones sequntur tempera∣mentum Corporis, which is verified of the Spirits.) Thus when the Doctor is convinced, many Disci∣dles will follow his Example: this will be the most assured way to make a Reformation in the World, and to take us off from unprofitable Disputes in Religion.

The Abuses and extravagant Practices in Divi∣nity, and Physick being Chymically redressed, the Corruptions, Prevarications and unjust Dealings in the Law are like to be quickly voted out of doors: For the Irregularities in Divinity and Phy∣sick confound the whole world. Moreover, I have observed more Ingenuous Favourers of Chymical Philosophy among the Students and Practicers of the Law, than any other Profession whatsoever, therefore more inclinable to be taught better things.

Next our Ethicks or Morality may by wholsome Chymical Physick be meliorated: One Reason why we are at this day so depraved in our Manners, may with plausible reason be attributed to New feral Diseases, which rage among us as the Scorbutum, Lues Venerea, single & complicated: likewise to the increase of the Cacoethie, or Malignity of former Diseases now graduated, and guarded with more cruel Symptoms, aggravated by Cacostmachi∣cal Page  190 Medicaments. Hereby our Off-spring is born Valetudinary, sickly in Body, and vitious in Mind, the Seminal Idea of those Infirmities which lay couched in our Body being imprinted Iure Heredi∣tario on the miserable Infants.

'Tis not to be admired, why we are at this day so Melancholy, Discontented, Distracted with inor∣dinate Passions and Perturbations, so Malicious, Perfidious, Falshearted, dishonest, full of Hatred, Pride, Vain-glory, Hypocrisie, Covetousness, Faction, Rebellion, Lightness and Phantastical Aemulation of Forreign Nations, unworthy of an English-man: For as much as most of the Galenical Compositions 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 corrupt Body and Soul.

Again, 'tis singular Policie in the Magistrate to promote and cherish this Chymical Method of Cu∣ring: for his own and the peoples sake. He being by this means enabled to enjoy sounder Body and Mind, to Govern long, making Good Laws; and his Subjects hereby multiplyed will be ready to embrace them and obey him: both using a direct way to clarifie the Organs of the Soul for the Re∣ception of Truth, and the right discretion or elect∣ion of what is best. By vertue of this Art, his Sub∣jects will be more Magnanimous, Valiant, empow∣ered the better to defend him and his Territories, to vindicate his Rights, to make enquiry abroad for New Plantations, and Colonies, to prevent Sick∣nesses incident to the Climate, to oppose any Ene∣mies stoutly that shall invade us, to heal their Wounds, to save many Limbs from being muti∣lated or cut off. Doubtless had his Majesty been throughly acquainted with the excellent Efficacie of the Stomach Essence in Healing both Inwardly Page  191 and Outwardly, injoyning a large Quantity to be made for the use of his Fleet against the Dutch, ma∣ny Hundreds of those brave Men might have been preserved, who perished for want of true Chymical Remedies. Neither would this or the like have only Cured their Scorbutical Infirmities, Healed their grievous Soars, but also have maturated their Stratagems, magnified and animated their Spirits for the execution of far greater Actions.

Were there not some among us, who envie that the Nation should enjoy such a time of Iubilee, or Halcyonian days, wherein the state of Body and Soul might be amended, they would suggest to his Majesty the extraordinary Emolument or Commo∣ditie would arise to Him, His Posterity and the People, if this Enterprize were set on foot.

It would appear Honest and Noble Policy to Purg the Schools by Paracelsian Physick from Ca∣pital Galenical Errours, at this day predominant in Physick, to eradicate those Corruptions so deep∣ly grounded tam frequentes foedasque in Philosophia nundinationes (as an Antient Academical Ante∣signanus of Learning expresses) those unworthy respects of conferring Degrees on those who de∣serve to be termed no better than Philosophastri, The∣ologastri, Idiotae, Nugatores, Sycophantae, Otiateres, Compotores, Indigni libidinis voluptatumque ministri, Hinc Rude vulgus, Inops, Sordidum, Leve, Melan∣cholicum Rebelle, Contumax, Refractarium ac Mi∣serandum.

If the Magistrate be pleased to cause the Helmon∣tian Institutions to be introduced into the Acade∣mies instead of Aristotelian, according as one shall be found experimentally true, and the other false, the whole Kingdome will by degrees be brought Page  192 into a far more flourishing Condition than former∣ly: Hereupon Able Physitians will be sent into all parts to keep men in Sanity (the direct way to Prosperity in the General) which before was em∣paired by Galenists, Mountebanks, Quacks, who giving Medicaments noxious, as Hemlock instead of Parsley, have made the Nation Brain-sick, Phan∣tastical, Scorbutical, Unconstant, Rebellious, Idle, full of Beggars, Querulous, prone to extreams, In∣novations, affected with Outsides and Appearan∣ces rather than solid Worth. Thus the trading for Mens Skins might be abolished, Physick, Chirur∣gery and Pharmacopoie united, Materia Medica better improved, better attendance given to the Sick in time of the Plague, and a prevention made of Fugitive Physitians in our greatest extremity, whose Courage may be encreased by appropriate Antidotes against so great a poison.

Let us but turn over to the Chymical Page; His Majesty will always enjoy Virtuous, Prudent, Sage, Valiant, Upright Counsellours: Good Men will still be encouraged with just Rewards, and Evil punished; those who have Real Intrinsical Worth preferred, those making an Outward seeming shew rejected: for assuredly the reason why we do not esteem things as they are in themselves, proceeds from Laesa Imaginatio, a crasie Phansie to be cor∣rected principally by powerful Chymical Physick.

Moreover, the Consideration how ready at hand our Remedies are upon all occasions, safe and effectual, may plead for their protection by the Magistrate: Suppose a Prince or any Great Man be surprized with a Lipothymie, Epilepsie, Le∣thargie, Vertigo, in a place remote from any Ap∣pothecarie, certainly he may himself, or his Phy∣sitian Page  193 attending him, carry a few light Paracelsian Remedies, which may in a moment relieve him; whereas should he send a Prescription so far as the unsupportable bulk of an Apothecarys Pharmacy resideth there to be dispensed, this Noble Person might in the mean time perish. I add to this, 'tis no small politick Satisfaction to a great Man, who prizes his Life, to see a Physitian, or any other in Health, to take some Chymical Arcana with∣out any Nocument, which is tendred to the Patient for his Restauration, which I'le undertake to make good upon my own Body, or anothers. I shall not omit how satisfactory 'tis to one, who in his Prosperity, loves to breath in this Atmosphear, to hear a plain comfortable Prediction from an Adeptus, that he is capable of Recovery, or if not, that he may settle his Affairs, while he hath Mature Judgment.

In the mean time the Dogmatical Guessers, bog∣gle, blunder, juggle, speak as amphibologically, as the Orace of Old at Delphos, or else are quite mistaken, altogether over-shoot themselves, as appeared by their Prognostick, in Mr. Colwel, the Great Banker, his Case, and many other, whom I shall make mention of, annexing a large Com∣ment on the miscarriages of these Improvident Galenists, if they do not forthwith endeavour 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 to forsake their destructive paths.

Lastly, Princes encouraging Pyrotechnie may obtain far more Active Antidotes against poyson, than hath hitherto been known, whereby the thread of their Life may be protracted; they may also discover how, not only vain, but injurious the Common Catharticks are in stubborn Maladies, studying to avoid them as Poysons either manifest∣ly hurting at present, or privily shortning their days for the Future.

Page  1944. The Medicinal Profit, Advantages, and Ser∣vice that will attend a Chymical Society, establi∣shed by Law, is most remarkable, which the Reader shall find described in Ortho-Methodus Ia∣tro Chymica.

That Catalogue of Incurable Diseases, given in by the Galenists, will be Cancelled, and an ap∣propriate means found to Remedy the most Tru∣culent Sickness, and Atrocious virulent Malady. Deus Omnes Nationes fecit sanabiles. The Power∣ful Benign Father of every good and perfect Gift hath Created a Salve for every Sore; onely un∣grateful, sloathful, supine Man will not exert his Faculties, for the Indagation, or narrow search of such precious latrical Pearls to be valued above any thing in this World; yea, so indifferent he is, so Paralytical in his desires towards the Sum∣mum Bonum, Sanity of Body, and Soul, so wilful∣ly miserable, that he is loath to put out his Hand to receive so great a favour, though he may have it gratis, rather Envying, retarding, than furthe∣ring those who labour for a publick good.

Were this Iatro Chymical Exploit indulged and quickned by those in Authority, such Polyacea's might be brought to light, enriched with Virtues abundantly sufficient to Conquer, and quite cut off those complicated Evils, which like Hydra's Heads elude the Vulgar Medicaments.

If Artists were animated, the Epilepsie Appo∣plexy, Gout, Quartan, Lues Venerea, Scorbute Radicated, yea, and the Itch (which I wondred they omitted amongst the List of their Incurable Diseases, for I am sure their Method cannot Cure Directly) would not thus Tyrannize in this Mi∣crocosm. An Adaequate Lithontribon might be detected Potent to dissolve the Stone in the Blad∣der Page  195 without Cruel, uncertain Lithotomie.

Were the World furnished with Compleat, Learned Pyrotechnists, no Man would fail to be Cu∣red in due time of a Pleurisie, by Anti-Pleuriticks, (not Bleeding) expeditely, radically, without re∣lapse, or future danger of being obnoxious to the like pungitive vexation again. All Feavers might in a few days be strangled. The Measles and Small Pox might be Cured without Scandal, in the same manner as other defaults in Nature, to the Contempt of Ignorant and Presumptuous Nurses, Midwives, and the like Gang, who in this stare fear to meddle (not without just Reason) with Opinionative Physitians, having been so notori∣ously un-successful in the management of this Ma∣lignant Disease: Neither let any one think that their Method is more prevalent to Cure other ma∣lignant Feavers, no such Matter; onely their un∣lucky dealing is more obvious to the common Peo∣ple in this Cutaneous affect, who cannot in more obscure passages so easily pry into their egregious Imperfections.

Were there frequent consultations of Philoso∣phical Spagyrists receiving mutual Assistance one from another; the Liquor Alkahest and Butler's stone might in all probability be enucleated, and set on work for Mortals Good: The Magical, Mag∣netical, and Sympathetical Mystery of Healing might be improved and confirmed.

The Feat of Obstetrication might be far more advanced, to the Grand disgrace of certain Men, who profess it; and to the Regulating of some self-conceited, rash Women.

Chirurgery made appear to belong principally (setting aside Manual Operation) to the Skilful Chymists, who have in their Custody such morti∣fiers Page  196 of the Idea's of Cacoethick Sores, Fistula's, Cancers, Herpete's, &c. Such Vital Balsoms, and Sanatives to be taken inwardly and outward∣ly, that the Chirurgion should be forced to con∣fess, that in most Cases the Physitian is to be sought to; and that in long Voyages, none are to be compared to Spagyrical preparations, for du∣ration; with which being accurately Fabricated, he and the Apothecary should be furnished upon Occasions: A Legitimate, Substantial, Efficacious Pharmacy being introduced, the Supposititious, A∣Adulterated, Trivial, Insufficient Factures rejected.

Then will the promiscuous, indifferent, con∣fused comprehension at this day, of the Counter∣feit, and Real; the Apish, and Manly Chymical Exercitations be made plain to mean Capacities: How our Colluding Galenists have imposed upon the World, by owning themselves the best Chy∣mists, though worse than the greatest Adultera∣tors of Sack, for which none can plead but the impudent Sophisticator, or Compounder.

Then will the Thermologist be either ashamed so much as to mention Hot and Cold for the cause, or Cre of Diseases▪ Or if he should, he might, perhaps, be ridiculously discarded by the Friends of the Pa∣tient, to his detestable shame, as a singular Fool.

If once the Omnipotent encline the Hearts of our Governours to cherish, and resolutely protect this Divine Science, cutting holes in the Skin will grow out of fashion: Epispasticks, Blysterings, Scarifications will be thought fitting for none but Malefactors: Common Purgation and Bleeding, with their dreggy Decoctions (little better than Drenches) will be confined to the Cure of Horses.

If Prometheus Fire were throughly kindled among us, our eyes would be opened that we might under∣stand, Page  197 how those very Galenists who have declaim∣ed undeservedly, railed at and condemned Chy∣mical Remedies in General, have been forced at length (unless they ventured to come off with un∣sufferable disgrace) to minister closely the same sleight Preparations of the Shops, altogether re∣nounced by the Spagyrical Sophist. Yea, it will ap∣pear, how in time of their greatest Ignorance they have advised their Patients to the Sumption of Mi∣neral Waters, thereby implicitly and tacitly deno∣ting against their wills, that Natute taught them to be Chymists, if they had not been obstinately blind∣er than Bats and Owls.

Lastly, if such a Philosophical Chymical Com∣pany be Authorized and Countenanced, Mecha∣nicks will be much promoted, their Manual facul∣ties will be more dextrously carried on: The Art of Gilding, Painting, Writing, Artillery may be wound up to a higher pitch. Metals might be more intimately purged, refined, volatile made more fixed, the terrestrial parts more sublimed, their co∣lour and sound exalted, those friable made Ductile, the Ignobler provected, and Generous augmented. Mercury precipitated, coagulated, &c. then com∣bined with multiplicity of Bodies with which it will shew variety of Shapes useful for divers Me∣chanical Factures.

Antimony likewise technically prepared might be employed for the advancement of many Han∣dycrafts,

Sulphur Anreum Fulminans might be made in greater quantity and cheaper for the atchievement of many rare Designs.

Such Electrums might be made which would perform Stupendious things. A clearer Light of the Lapis Chrysopoeus might be given. Doubtless Arti∣ficers Page  198 would find that the compleat Learned Spa∣gyrist would be able to instruct them for the con∣triving of several Mechanies to his advantage, ne∣ver to be attained by Ideot-Chymists.

I hope these Important Motives and Persuasive Reasons will excite the Magistrate to Constitute with all Expedition, such a Learned Society of Or∣tho-Chymists, that they themselves, and these Na∣tions may gather the delicious fruits thereof, and Forreigners may be lured to follow their good Ex∣ample. Withal, I Supplicate the Omnipotent to put it into the Hearts of the more Generous and Refined Spirits of the Galenists, to take for the fu∣ture Right Measures for the Cure of Humane Griefs, to wave (when they are to aim at Essential Sanation) those Childish Fopperies of Heat and Cold, and to abdicate and proscribe their indi∣screet, either secretly noxious or openly lethife∣rous Bleeding, Purging, &c. to lay down those Pernicious Instruments, and to take up Salutary.

If the Juniors (leaving the Old Doting Fellows to themselves, as a very Learned Man calls them. who will no more be brought to learn better things in Healing, than an Old Dog to Fetch and Carry) will couragiously, and resolutely bend their endea∣vours to carry on this Heroical Pyrotechnical En∣terprize, they shall find me ready to serve them (according to that little Talent I have) in the de∣tection of those Physical Verities which have cost me nigh 30 years Labour of Brain and Sinews, be∣sides the Hazzard of my Life by Assassinating Re∣algars of Metals and Minerals, together with the treacherous Gas of Charcole▪ also the dangerous Essayes I have made upon my own Stomach, for the discovery of the Operation of my own Manu∣factures: add to these the continual Opposition, Page  199 the Obloquies I have sustained, Abuses, Slanders, Disrespects thrown upon me undeservedly, enough to deter any man from being a Sceptick in Physick, or to digress from the Common Road of Healing.

I shall, I say, communicate Real Arcana to a cer∣tain number of Literate Candid Persons, fitting to lay the Foundation of a Salutary Colledge. Then for my part I shall be willing to sequester my self out of Secular Tumults, Uproars and Turmoils, thinking it the happiest Condition in the world to live privately.

I question not but other Ortho-Chymists will fol∣low this Pattern, and contribute to the Honour and Enlargment of such a Scientifick Society.