The Indian nectar, or, A discourse concerning chocolata the nature of cacao-nut and the other ingredients of that composition is examined and stated according to the judgment and experience of the Indian and Spanish writers ... its effects as to its alimental and venereal quality as well as medicinal (especially in hypochondrial melancholy) are fully debated : together with a spagyrical analysis of the cacao-nut, performed by that excellent chymist Monsieur le Febure, chymist to His Majesty / by Henry Stubbe ... ; Thomas Gage, Survey of the West-Indies. chap. 15 ...
- Title
- The Indian nectar, or, A discourse concerning chocolata the nature of cacao-nut and the other ingredients of that composition is examined and stated according to the judgment and experience of the Indian and Spanish writers ... its effects as to its alimental and venereal quality as well as medicinal (especially in hypochondrial melancholy) are fully debated : together with a spagyrical analysis of the cacao-nut, performed by that excellent chymist Monsieur le Febure, chymist to His Majesty / by Henry Stubbe ... ; Thomas Gage, Survey of the West-Indies. chap. 15 ...
- Author
- Stubbe, Henry, 1632-1676.
- Publication
- London :: Printed by J.C. fdor Andrew Crook ...,
- 1662.
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- Subject terms
- Chocolate -- Therapeutic use -- Early works to 1800.
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"The Indian nectar, or, A discourse concerning chocolata the nature of cacao-nut and the other ingredients of that composition is examined and stated according to the judgment and experience of the Indian and Spanish writers ... its effects as to its alimental and venereal quality as well as medicinal (especially in hypochondrial melancholy) are fully debated : together with a spagyrical analysis of the cacao-nut, performed by that excellent chymist Monsieur le Febure, chymist to His Majesty / by Henry Stubbe ... ; Thomas Gage, Survey of the West-Indies. chap. 15 ..." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed December 11, 2024.
- title page
- To my Learned Friend Dr. Tho∣mas Willis Doctor of Physick, and Reader of Natural Philo∣sophy in the University of Oxon.
- The Preface to the Ingenuous READER.
- CHAP. I.
- CHAP. V.
- The Judgment of Roblez a Licen∣tiate Physician in Peru concern∣ing Cacao, and Chocolata.
- An account of the Distillation of the Cacao-nut perform'd by Mr. Le Febure.
- The Judgment of St. Austin in his Book Of the City of God: which was too large to be inserted before, pag. 136.