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Title:  A letter to a deist, in answer to several objections against the truth and authority of the scriptures
Author: Stillingfleet, Edward, 1635-1699.
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other particular passages in good Authors, they might as well call them in question as they do that; since it is confessed, that all the Ancient Manuscripts have it in them, and supposing that it doth not come in well, must we sup∣pose it impossible for Josephus to Write incoherently? Yet this is the main Argument that ever I have seen urged against this Te∣stimony of Josephus. But I say, we need it not; all other things concurring in so high a degree to prove the Truth of the History of Christ. Yet since you seem to express so much doubtfulness con∣cerning it, as though it were framed when there was no one living capable of disproving it; give me leave to shew you the great absurdity of such a Supposition. 1. Because we have the plain Testimonies of 0