The twelve moneths, or, A pleasant and profitable discourse of every action, whether of labour or recreation, proper to each particular moneth branched into directions relating to husbandry, as plowing, sowing, gardening, planting, transplanting ... as also, of recreations as hunting, hawking, fishing, fowling, coursing, cockfighting : to which likewise is added a necessary advice touching physick ... : lastly, every moneth is shut up with an epigrame : with the fairs of every month
Stevenson, Matthew, d. 1684.

The Names of the principall Fairs in England, and Wales, observed in the Month of Iune.

THe third day, at Alesbury. The 9. at Maidstone. The 11. at Holt, Kinwilgate in Caermarthen, Llanybither, Llanwist, Llandilanador in Caermarthen, Maxfield, Newborough, Newca∣stle in Emling, Okingham, Wellington, Newport pannel, Skipton upon Stow, Stremel in Norfolk. The 13. at Newtown in Kedew∣en in Montgomery. The 14. at Bangor. The 15. at Vizes, Per∣shore from Worcester 7. miles. The 16. at Bealth in Brecknock, Newport in Reams. The 17. at Hadstock, Highamferries, Page  30 Llavilling, Stowgreen. The 19. at Bridgenorth. The 21. at Ystaadmerick. The 22. at S. Albones, Shrewsbury, Derham in Norfolk. The 23. at Barnet, Castle Ebithenin, Monmouth, Dolgelly in Merioneth. The 24. at Ashborn, S. Annes, Awkin∣brough, Bedford, Bedle, Beverley, Bishops Castle, Broughton-green Market, Bosworth, Brecnock, Bromesgrove, Cambridge, Colchester, Crambrook, Croyden, Farnham, Glcester, Hallifax, Hartford, Hartstone, Horsham, Hurst, Kingston-war, Kirkham-Aund, Lancaster, Leicester, Lincoln, Ludlow, Pemsey, Preston, Read∣ing, Romford, Shaftsbury, Straitstock; Tubridge, Wakefield, Wenlock, Westchester, Winfort, Wormsters, York. The 26. at Northop. The 27. at Burton Tent, Folkstone, Llangdogain. The 28. at Hescorn, Marchenlero, at S. Pomnes. The 29. at Ashwel, Bala, Barkamstead, Bennington, Bibalance, Bolton, Bromely, Buc∣kingham, Buntingford, Cardiffe, Gorgan, Hodesdon, Holdworth, Horndon, Hudderfield, Lower Knotsford, Lempster, Llamorgan, Hanbeder, Mansfield, Marlborough, Mountfort, Mounstril, Onay, Peterborough, Peterfield, Ponstephen, Sarstrange, Sennock, Southam Stafford, Stockworth, Thorockgrayes, Tring, Vpton, Wem, West∣minster, Witney, Woolverhampton, Woodhurst, York. The 30. at Maxfield in Cheshire.

I have presented (Reader) to thine Eye,
Eclogues, and Georgicks, Junes Oecunomy,
The Oaten Pipe, the Sickle, and the Sythe,
The Man that labours, and the Boy that's biythe;
The Faucon, Partridge, Hounds, Hare, Bucks, Does,
Herbs, Plants, and Flowers, the Lilly and the Rose;
Pismires, and Bees, their various industries:
Grashoppers, Cankers, Maggots, Worms, and Flyes;
Sun, Moon, and Stars, and all the Elements,
Fire, Ayre, Earth, Water; These be the Contents.