The way of God with his people in these nations opened in a thanksgiving sermon, preached on the 5th of November, 1656, before the Right Honorable the High Court of Parliament / by Peter Sterry.
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- Title
- The way of God with his people in these nations opened in a thanksgiving sermon, preached on the 5th of November, 1656, before the Right Honorable the High Court of Parliament / by Peter Sterry.
- Author
- Sterry, Peter, 1613-1672.
- Publication
- London :: Printed by Peter Cole ...,
- 1657.
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- Subject terms
- Bible. -- O.T. -- Isaiah IX, 5 -- Sermons.
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"The way of God with his people in these nations opened in a thanksgiving sermon, preached on the 5th of November, 1656, before the Right Honorable the High Court of Parliament / by Peter Sterry." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 19, 2024.
Page [unnumbered]
FOR THE RIGHT HONORABLE, The High Court of Parliament; The Epistle Dedicatory.
Right Honorable,
I Have obeyed your Commands in Printing this Sermon, as I did in Preaching it. O that in both, the Sermon may prove an Alablaster Box, and the Name of Jesus Christ, as an Oyntment pow∣red forth from it! We are in a Wilderness. Clouds of Darkness, and Doubt; Fires of Danger, Dissention, and Wrath, are in the midst of us, round about us. That the Pre∣sence of, Christ may be the Pillar of a Cloud, and of Fire, to go before you as a Light in Dif∣ficulties, to stand behind you as a Defence in Dangers, is the continual Prayer of
Your Honors most humble Servant in Christ, PETER STERRY.