From these places you may draw these Archi∣tectonick,
or commanding Conclusions.
1. A Living soule in her full glory, as she was
in the first man in innocencie, in Paradise, is not
the Principle of the second man, the new birth;
but the All-quickening, the Eternall Spirit.
2. A Living soule, with the highest improve∣ments,
raised to the noblest actings of Wit, Rea∣son,
Worth, is naturall, not spirituall; the Image
of the first Adam, not the Image of the Lord Jesus.
3. The naturall and spirituall man differ as much
as earth and heaven; corruption and immortality; flesh
and spirit.
You see the difference between these two sorts
of convictions; as I have been able to set it before
you. I will now conclude this Use with an Admo∣nition,
as I begun it.
An earthly Root may bring forth earthly fruit;
nothing can reach up to Heaven, and immortalitie,
but that which first comes from heaven, and that
immortall Spirit. If you see your sins this day,
and weep for them, though it be only by the Owle-light
of your own reason, (as the Philosopher him∣self
styles it) you shall not lose your reward, though
you may lose your soules.
But what will it profit you to save three King∣domes
by your sorrows; and in the mean time to
carry in your own bosomes, dying, perishing soules,
of which every single one is more worth than all
the world?