Medicina practica, or, Practical physick shewing the method of curing the most usual diseases happening to humane bodies ... : to which is added, the philosophick works of Hermes Trismegistus, Kalid Persicus, Geber Arabs, Artesius Longævus, Nicholas Flammel, Roger Bachon and George Ripley : all translated out of the best Latin editions into English ... : together with a singular comment upon the first book of Hermes, the most ancient of philosophers : the whole compleated in three books
Salmon, William, 1644-1713., Khālid ibn Yazīd al-Umawī, 7th cent., Jābir ibn Ḥayyān., Artephius. Liber secretus artis occultae. English., Flamel, Nicolas, d. 1418. Figures hierogliphiques. English., Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294. Speculum alchemiae. English., Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294. Radix mundi. English., Ripley, George, d. 1490? Medulla alchimiae. English.

CHAP. XXXIII. Of the Field Violet and Blue, with the two An∣gels of an Orange Colour, and their Motto's.

I. THe Violet and Blue Field shews forth, that being to pass, or to be changed from the White Page  568 Stone, to the Red, you must imbibe it with a little Vir∣gins Milk of Sol, that these Colours may come forth from the Mercurial Moi∣sture, which you have dry∣ed upon the Stone.

II. In this Work of Ru∣bifying, although you do imbibe, you shall not have much black, but Violet Blue, and the Colours of the Peacock's Tail.

III. For this our Stone, is so absolute and trium∣phant in dryness, that assoon as your Mercury touches it, (the nature thereof rejoy∣cing in its like nature) it is joyned unto it, and drinks or swallows it up greedily.

IV. And therefore the black that comes of Moi∣sture can shew it self but a little, and that under the Colours of Violet and Blue, because that Dryness (as is said) does in a very short time govern absolutely.

V. I also caused to be de picted two Angels with Wings, to point out to you, the two Substances of our Matter, or Compositum; viz. The Mercurial and Sul∣phurous substance; and the fixed as well as the Volatile, which being perfectly uni∣ted together, do also flie together within the Ves∣sel.

VI. For in this Operati∣on the fixed Body will gen∣tly ascend up to Heaven, being wholly spiritual, and from thence, it will descend unto the Earth, even whi∣ther soever you please, fol∣lowing the Spirit every where, which is always moved by the fire.

VII. Whereby at length, they are made one and the self same nature; the Compositum, or Body, being made wholly spiritual; and the spiritual wholly Corpo∣real; so much has it been ground, or subtilized upon our Marble (i. e. decocted in our Fire) by the prece∣dent Operations.

VIII. The Natures then, are here transmuted into Angels, viz. they are made Page  569 til and spiritual; and so are become the true Tinctures.

IX. Now you must re∣member to begin the Ru∣bifying, by the apposition of the Citrine Red Mercury; but you must not pour on much, only once or twice, according as you shall see occasion.

X. For this Operation ought to be done by a dry fire, and by a dry Sublima∣tion and Calcination.

XI. And now I have told you a Secret, which you shall scarcely find, or sel∣dom see written, so far am I from hiding what is neces∣sary from you: and I would to God, that every Man knew how to make Gold to his own satisfaction, that he might live a life of In∣nocency, and lead forth his Flocks to their Pastures, without Usurers, or going to Law, in imitation of the Holy Patriarchs of old.

XII. Using only as our first Fathers did, to ex∣change one thing for ano∣ther: And yet then, to have that, you must labour, and take pains, full as much as you do now.

XIII. Therefore for fear of offending God, I must∣beware how I become the Instrument of such a Change; and lest it should prove of evil consequence, I must take heed how and what I write; only repre∣senting to you, where it is chat we hide the Keys, which can open all the Doors, leading into these Secrets of Nature.

XIV. Or only to open, or cast up the Earth in that place; contenting my self, to demonstrate those things which will teach every one, to whom it shall please God to reveal this Mystery.

XV. As to know and understand what Influence the Sign Libra has, when it is enlightened by Sol and Mercury in the Month of October.

XVI. These Angels are painted of an Orange Colour, Page  570 to signifie to you, that your white Compositum, or stone, must be a little more deco∣cted and digested, that the Black of the Violet and Blue must be chased away by the fire.

XVII. For this Orange Colour is compounded of the beautiful Golden Citrine Red, (which you have so long waited for) and of the re∣mainders of this Violet and Blue, which you have alrea∣dy in part made to vanish and flie away.

XVIII. This Orange co∣lour also shews, that the Natures are decocted and digested, and (through the assistance of God) by little and little perfected.

XIX. As for the Motto, Surgite mortui, venite ad ju∣dicium domini mei, I placed it there chiefly for the The∣ological sense, rather than for any thing else.

XX. It ends in the Throat of a Lyon all over Red, shewing thereby, that this Operation must not be dis∣continued, until you see the true Red Purple, wholly like the deep colour of the Corn Poppy, and the Vermillion of the painted Lyon, reser∣ved for Multiplication.