Scrinia Ceciliana, mysteries of state & government in letters of the late famous Lord Burghley, and other grand ministers of state, in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth, and King James, being a further additional supplement of the Cabala.
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626., Burghley, William Cecil, Baron, 1520-1598., Sidney, Philip, Sir, 1554-1586., Throckmorton, Nicholas, Sir, 1515-1571.

By Letters from Berwick, 3. June.

THe Marshal of Berwick, being at Edenburgh with certain Forces, dealt with the Earls of Grange and Liddington, to procure a sur∣cease of Arms, which taking no effect, he went with the Noblemen of Scotland, that joyned with him, to Glasco; from whence the Duke and his Associates fled upon their setting forth; from thence the Marshal sent to the Bishop of St. Andrews, and the Lords, who were in Dumbarton Castle, to Parly with them, to procure an abstinence of Arms, who appointed to meet them the next day at a Village half way betwixt Glasco and Dumbarton; where missing them at the time appointed he went neerer to Dumbarton, whereof he sent them word; and thereupon they returned his Messenger, and appointed to meet and speak with him out of the Castle, so as he would bring but one or two with him, and to put away his compa∣ny; and so soon as he had so done, and that he was within their Shot, they sent him word to look to himself, and that they would not come to him; and as he turned his Horse, divers Harquebusiers, laid for the purpose, shot at him, and they discharged a Falcon at him out of the Castle, but he escaped without hurt; hereupon the Noblemen which were with him, burnt the Country thereabouts that belonged to the Hambletons, burnt the Town of Hambleton, and razed the Castle of Hambleton, and two other principal houses of the said Dukes, one in Lithgo, and ano∣ther called Kennell; they have also thrown down the Abbot of Kil∣wrenings house, and in effect all the principal houses of the Hambletons, and have dealt with no other persons but with an Hambleton; and so the Marshall is returned to Berwick, &c.