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AFter all the other letters in this Packet were sealed up, your honest servant, Mr. Rogers, arrived here with your letters; of the con∣tents whereof, concerning the crazed shaken Treaty of peace betwixt the King and his subjects, I had plainly heard four or five days past from Rochel. Your intelligences accord with the like, as I have received from Rochel; and as you do express to us the dangerous practices of our Ad∣versaries there, so I assure you the same are not by Councellors here neglected, although I can give no assurance how they shall be avoided; and yet I would not doubt, but with Gods goodness, their whole designs should prove frustrate if our Councels might take place.
I have named to the Queens Majesty two to be your successors, both to be well liked, if their livelihoods were answerable to their other qua∣lities; the one is Mr. Francis Walsingham, the other is Mr. Hen. Killi∣grew, who is indeed in livelihood much inferrior. If I can procure that either of them, or some other, might relieve you, I assure you there shall not lack any good will in me.
Yours assuredly, W. Cecil.
Hampton-Court, 7. Febr. 1569.