*. General Chri∣stians vows to moral duties of praying, praising, &c. are of eternal obligation, & so bind under the New Te∣stament. Calvin. Instit. l. 4. c. 13. sect. 5, 6. Professor. Ley∣den. in Syno∣purior. Theol. dis. 28. de votis thes. 15, 16, 17. Tylen. Syntag. dis. 43. de tert: praecept. thes. 12, 13, 14, 15. Bucan, 102. 45. q 3, 4. D. Willet Sy∣nop. papismi. 6. Gen. contr. q. 1, 2, 3. Durantus de Ritibus Eccles. Cath. l. 11. c. 34. Gabr. Bicl. in Can. missae. lect. 29.

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