warrant of Gods Word, for Governours and Deacons are made two species of officers, Rom. 12. 8. 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 he who ruleth with diligence, and he who hath mercy with chearefulnesse. And two opposite species are not predi∣cated, the one of the other. And if well governing, Rom. 12. be ••ell teaching and diligent exhorting, all are confounded in that Text, where the Apostle marshalleth the officers and their severall exercises so accurately.
Nor can hee meane here Bishops so old that they are not now ab••e to labour in the word and doctrine, for then pasto••s for their age and inhability to preach, should because of their age and infirmity, deserve lesse honour and reward, then the yonger who are able to labour in the word and doctrine. This is crosse to the sift Commandement, which addeth honour and double honour to age, and gray haires, being found in the way of righ∣teousnesse. 2. Against Justice, that because yeares and paines in Gods Service, hath made them aged, for that they are to have lesse honour and reward: whereas they deserve the double; rather then that the younger should be preferred to them.
Nor. 3. Can the Apostles meaning be, that these who rule well that lead an exemplarily holy life, are worthy of honour, especially painefull preachers. Because 1. A person is never called a labourer, and worthy of hire, as the Oxe that treadeth out the Corne, because of holinesse of life, especially the Church ••s not to give stipend to a pastor, for his holy life. 2. Their life should be exemplarily holy, who did not labour in the word and doctrine, that is, we have a pastor passing holy in his life, but he cannot preach, or keepeth an ill conscience in his calling, be∣cause he is lazy and a loyterer in preaching. 3. What Word of God, or dialect in the word expresseth a holy life, by well gover∣••ing, for a holy life is the sanctity of mans conversation be he a private, or a publick man. But to govern well, is the para∣phase of a good Governour and officer, in the Greeke tongue or any other Language.
Nor. 4. Can the Apostle understand by labourers in the Word and Doctrine (as Bilson saith) such as w••nt thorough the Earth, and made j••urnies, as Apostles and Evangelists did, to plant visit and confirme Churches, and by these who govern well,