CHAP. 4. SECT. 4. QUEST. 5.
WHether there be no nationall or provinciall Church under the New Testament, but only a parishionall Congregation meet∣ing every Lords day, in one place for the worship of God?
The Author, in this first proposition denieth that there is any Nationall or provinciall Church, at all, under the New Testament, for clearing of the question observe these.
1. Dist. VVe deny that there is any diocescan, provinciall or Nationall Church under the care of one Diocesan or Nationall Prelate or Bi∣shop, but hence it followeth not, there is no visible instituted Church now, but only a particular Congregation.
2. Dist. VVe deny any Nationall typicall Church, where a whole Nation is tyed to one publick worship, in one place, as sacrificing in the Temple.
3. Dist. VVe deny not but the most usuall acception of a Church, or visible meeting is given, as the a 1.1 refutator of Tylenus sayth, to a convention of people meeting ordinarily to heare the word and ad∣minstrate the Sacraments b 1.2 Stephanus deriveth it from 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. And c 1.3 Cyrillus 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. As d 1.4 Causabon observeth; so these who meete at one Sermon are called Ecclesia, a Church, and it is called Ecclesia & concio, sayth the Refutator of Tilen, e 1.5 but this hindreth not the Union of more particular Con∣gregations, in their principall members for Church-govern∣ment, to be the meeting or Church representative of these many united Congregations.
4. Dist. A Parish-Church materiall, is a Church within such locall bounds, the members whereof dwell contiguously toge∣gether, one bordering on the other, our Brethren, meane not of such a Church; for as f 1.6 Pa•••• Baynes sayth well this God insti∣tuted not, because a company of Papists and Protestants may thus dwell together, as in a Parish, and yet they axe of con∣trary Churches, a Parish-Church formally is a multitude who meete in manner or forme of a Parish, as if they dwelt neere to∣gether