*. It was the old error of the Libertines▪ of Antonius Poquius Priest as Cal∣vine saith, I∣struct. ad Li∣bertinos cap 23. in opuscu. pag. 460. so Pocquius existimabam me aliquid intelligere, nec quicquam intelligo: de∣us enim in∣tellectus me∣us est, & virtus mea, & salus mea. Calvne answers excel∣lently▪ Homo quidem fide∣lis, se nihil ex seipso intelli∣gere ceaset; sed an prop∣teria debet ••culos candere, ne quid intueatur, ut vult iste insa∣nus? A man (saith Cal∣vine) in Christ judgeth that he understan∣deth nothing of himselfe, (and so that he can neither pray nor be∣leeve, with∣out the Spirit) but shall he therefore close his eyes, that hee may understand nothing at all, as this phrantick man imagines.

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