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Title:  Christ dying and drawing sinners to himself, or, A survey of our Saviour in his soule-suffering, his lovelynesse in his death, and the efficacie thereof in which some cases of soule-trouble in weeke beleevers ... are opened ... delivered in sermons on the Evangel according to S. John Chap. XII, vers. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 ... / by Samuel Rutherford.
Author: Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661.
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by a De novo damus, Psal. 2.8. Ask of me, (pray to me) and I will give thee the Heathen. His Kingdomes pillar is prayer. Psal. 72.15. Prayer also shall be made for him continually, that his Throne may stand, and hee may beare the Crown. What, must wee pray for Christ, hee prayes for us? Yea, wee pray for Mysticall Christ, and his Crowne. Its better to hold lands of Christ by prayer, then by conquest or industry, by right of re∣demption or heritage; even the rich who have broad lands, when the bread is at their lip, and on the table before them, are to pray, Give us this day our daily bread. Have you wisdome, honour, learning, parts, eloquence, godlinesse, grace, a good name, children, peace, ease, pleasure, wife, houses, lands, see how yee got them; if not by prayer, in so farre they are unjustly purchased: the next best is to get a new charter of them by prayer. I grant, conversion is not obtained by my praying, be∣cause an unconverted man cannot pray, no more then the birth can pray it selfe out of the mothers womb; yet its gotten by Christs prayer. Some after sicknesse have health, as robbers have the Travellers purse, they have them by spoile, not through Christ, or any prayer-right: Victories, and subdued Cities, are better taken and enjoyed by prayer, then by bribes or mo∣ney.Vse. They know not the use of prayer, who teach, that we are not to pray against that which cannot bee avoyded: So LibertinesRise, reign, ruine, r. 34. say, we are not to pray against all sinne, because it cannot be avoyded: but the old man must bee in us, so long as we live, The Lord hath so decreed the end, as that he hath or∣dained Prayer to be a necessary way to accomplish his end. Yea, Paul 1 Thess. 5.23. prayeth, that the very God of peace may sanctifie the Thessalonians throughout,. And we know that we cannot bee free of temptations in this life; yet pray we not to be led into temptation, which is not so much, that the body of sinne may be fully rooted out of us, and inherent Sanctification may bee perfected in this life, as that wee may bee delivered from guilt and damnation, and from the power and dominion of sinne, and that praier may bee staires up to the laying of the last stone of the new buil∣ding; yea though it was revealed to Peter, and the Disciples, that they should deny Christ, and as sheep bee scattered away. When the sword should awake against the Shepheard,0