Pansebeia, or, A view of all religions in the world with the severall church-governments from the creation, to these times : also, a discovery of all known heresies in all ages and places, and choice observations and reflections throughout the whole / by Alexander Ross.

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Pansebeia, or, A view of all religions in the world with the severall church-governments from the creation, to these times : also, a discovery of all known heresies in all ages and places, and choice observations and reflections throughout the whole / by Alexander Ross.
Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654.
London :: Printed by T.C. for John Saywell ...,

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Church history.
Religion -- Early works to 1800.
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"Pansebeia, or, A view of all religions in the world with the severall church-governments from the creation, to these times : also, a discovery of all known heresies in all ages and places, and choice observations and reflections throughout the whole / by Alexander Ross." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.



MAHOMET characterized. He made a laugh∣ing stock of the Trinity. He agreed with Crpo∣cates, and other hereticks. He renewed Circumcision, and to indulge his disciples, he allowed them Polygamy, &c. His Iron Tombe at Mecca.

Page 59

IN the year six hundred twenty two,* 1.1 Honorius the fift being Bishop of Rome, and Meraclius Caesar Em∣perour of the East, a transcendent Arch-heretick called Mahomet,* 1.2 exchanged Hell for earth; a Pro∣phet, by Nation an Arabian, but most deprav'd and corrupt. He had sometimes been a Merchant extremely rich, and withall very subtle; to be short, he was a serious professor of diabolical Arts, a most ungodly instru∣ment of Satan, the Viceroy of Antichrist, or his sworne fore-runner. This man endeavoured to extoll his brother Arrius, with such praises as are correspon∣dent to his Heaven.* 1.3 He also with Sabelli ••••aewed the laughing-stock of the Trinity. He with Arrius and 〈◊〉〈◊〉, most fervently and contumeliously held that Christ, was onely a Mn, and that he was onely called God, 〈◊〉〈◊〉 dici, that is to say,* 1.4 according to a certain manner of speaking. He agrees with Carsocrates who denied that Christ was a God and a Prophet. This is also he that shakes hands with Cerdon•••• who utterly abjur'd the Godhead of the Sonne, or that he was co-substantial with the Father. He imagined with the Manichees, 〈◊〉〈◊〉 it was not Christ, but some other that was fastented to the Crosse. With the Donatists, he contemned the rurest Sacra∣ments of the Church. With the most impure Origen he affirmes that the devils shall be eternally saved accord∣ing to an humine, yet an invisible manner. He with Cerinthus placed eternal Felicity in the lust of the flesh. Circumcision,* 1.5 that was long since abolished and anti∣quated, he renewed. Upon his disciples he bestowed the priviledges, of Polygamy, Concubines and Divorce, as Moses had done; and with such dreams and an ima∣ginary Phrensy was the miserable wretch ever troubled. This man when he died was put into an iron Tombe at Mecca,* 1.6 which by the strength of Loadstones, being as it were in the middle and centre of an arched edifice, hangs up to the astonishment of the beholders, by which means the miraculous sanctity of this Prophet is greatly celebrated. All the dominions of the Great Turk, professe this mans faith, whom they acquiesse in as a miracle.


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