against the Deity of Christ. Oecolampadius confute
his blasphemies, and causeth him to be thrust out of
the Church of Basil. Serve••us held but one per∣son
in the Godhead to be worshipped, &c. He held
the holy Ghost to be Nature. His horrid blasphemy.
He would reconcile the Turkish Alcaron to Christian
Religion. He declares himself Prince of the Anabap∣tists.
At Geneva, Cal••in faithfully reproves Ser∣vetus,
but he continues obstinate. Anno 1553. by
the decrees of severall Senates, He was burned.
MICHAEL SERVETUS, like ano∣ther▪
Simon Magus, having conversed
long among the Mahumetans and the
Iewes, and being excellently well furnished
with their imaginous opinions, begat both
out of Divinity, and the general treasury of Christian Re∣ligion,
amonstrous issue of opinions, with the co••tion
of what he had received from the extravagant Mahume∣tans,
and Thalmudists, upon which brat, this instru∣ment
of Satan, must needs bestow the disguised name
of Christian Reformation. From this cocks egge were
bred these Cocka••••ices, Gonesus, Gribaldus, Blandra∣ta,
Gentilis, Alciatus, Simanus, Casanovius, Menno▪
and divers other Anabaptistical Vipers, who extreamly
increased the restlesse waves of sects and opinions. We,
recommending the rest to their proper place, Hell, will
take a more particular survey of one Religion, and by
the horridnesse of that guesse at the others. This Ser∣vetus
was a Spaniard, born in the kingdom of Arragon,
most unworthy both of his Name and Nation. Being
rapt into a most incredible enthusiasme, he boldly laye••
his unwash'd hands upon holy divinity; and at 〈◊〉〈◊〉
four and twentieth year of his age, boasted himselfe 〈◊〉〈◊〉
be the only Teacher and Seer of the world, making 〈…〉〈…〉
main design, and that by his impious and worthlesse ••••••••tings,
to inveigh against the Deity of the Son of God;〈◊〉〈◊〉
which writings being sufficiently furnished, and with••
enflamed with hopes of raising no ordinary tumults, 〈◊〉〈◊〉
bestirres himself winde and tyde, for Basill; but Oec••∣lampadius,
an Ecclesiastical Doctor, learnedly before
a full Senate confuted the blasphemies of this man, and